BLOC GUI Miner is a beautiful, easy to use, Graphical User interface for mining multiple cryptocurrencies based on cryptonote. The BLOC GUI Miner is easy to use and makes you getting started with mining cryptocurrency on Windows, MacOS and Linux in no time.
It is aimed at getting people that have never tried mining before with a focus on accessibility, security and simplicity.
BLOC GUI Miner support two very popular miner backends: xmr-stak and xmrig the best RandomX, CryptoNight and Argon2 CPU miner.
BLOC GUI Miner comes with XMR-STAK 2.10.8 and XMRIG 5.1.0 already built-in, including configuration files for CPU and GPU mining in most of the cases.
If you want to learn about cryptocurrencies, mining is a great place to start!
Start mining today and get rewarded in your favorite cryptocurrency.
Note: Some antivirus packages detect cryptocurrency miners as malware and will remove the miner as soon as it's started. In order for the BLOC GUI miner to function, you'll need to exclude the miner from being scanned by your antivirus software.
- 💎 Built-in latest XMR-STAK & XMRIG
- ✅ Now support 17 Cryptocurrencies
- 🖥 Works on macOS all versions included Catalina, Windows (7, 8, 10) & Linux x64
- 🎖 67 Best Mining Pools built-in
- ❇️ Change mining pool or coin in 1 click
- ℹ️ Complete informations about each currency with links
- 🔸 Easy to use
- 📈 Price & Coin Stats by CoinGecko
- 📊 Mining Stats by Cryptunit
- ♻️ CPU & GPU Mining
- ⛏ RandomX, CryptoNight and Argon2 CPU miner
Online Support:
Miner Setup
Select Coin to Mine
Select Mining Pool
Everyone can add their own cryptocurrency to the BLOC GUI Miner as long as it is supported by XMR-STAK and XMRIG. In the same time everyone can add/edit a mining pool into the BLOC GUI Miner.
You can mine the following cryptocurrencies with the BLOC GUI Miner :
- TurtleCoin (TRTL) - ONLY XMRIG
- Haven (XHV)
- Monero (XMR) (New RandomX algo supported) - ONLY XMRIG
- Sumokoin (SUMO)
- Conceal Network (CCX) ONLY XMRSTAK
- Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL)
- Wonero (WOW) - ONLY XMRIG
- ARQMA (ARQ) (New RandomX rx/arq algo supported) - ONLY XMRIG
XMR-STAK Version:
XMRIG Version:
We suggest macOS users to always use XMRIG bundle if possible for a simple installation as XMR-STAK require extra library.
If you would like to contribute to this project by adding or editing a mining pool but also to add a new cryptonote currency please checkout the instructions available.
BLOC.MONEY is a fast, easy to use and private decentralized cryptocurrency. Send money spacewide, worldwide or locally, immediately and without costly intermediaries using the blockchain technology.
Mining BLOC: How to mine BLOC)
TurtleCoin is a fast, easy and private cryptocurrency which allows you to send money to friends and businesses. Note: Mining TurtleCoin only works with XMRIG and support the new Chukwa algorithm.
Mining TRTL: How to mine (TRTL)
Haven protocol is a fully decentralized, private, algorithmic stablecoin that can be stored in a Haven wallet which can be seen as a private and decentralized USD-based bank account for everyone.
Mining XHV: How to mine (XHV)
Monero Monero is cash for a connected world. It’s fast, private, and secure. With Monero, you are your own bank. You can spend safely, knowing that others cannot see your balances or track your activity.
Mining XMR: How to mine (XMR)
RYO RYO Currency confidently transact with the highest degree of anonymity.
Mining RYO: How to mine (RYO)
Loki Loki is a privacy network which will allow users to transact and communicate privately over the internet, providing a suite of tools to help maintain the maximum amount of anonymity possible while browsing, transacting and communicating online.
Mining LOKI: How to mine (LOKI)
Sumokoin DIGITAL CASH - Privacy Without Compromise. Private • Untraceable • Decentralized • Fungible
Mining SUMO: How to mine (SUMO)
GRAFT GRAFT is a combination (PoW, PoS, DAG) blockchain and a platform that enables a truly decentralized payment network with real-time, universal payment acceptance.
Mining GRFT: How to mine (GRFT)
Conceal Network Conceal.Network is a decentralized blockchain bank, with deposits and investments paying interest rates, without involvement of financial institutions, powered by 100% open source code.
Mining CCX: How to mine (CCX)
Quantum Resistant Ledger The Quantum Resistant Ledger. Secure digital assets for longevity. Externally audited enterprise-grade blockchain platform secure against an attack from quantum computers.
Mining QRL: How to mine (QRL)
Lethean (LTHN) allow users to quickly and seamlessly use VPN services by choosing an exit node that best suits their needs. Simply download the wallet, add Lethean, and visit the integrated VPN marketplace to begin using the VPN services.
Mining LTHN: How to mine Lethean (LTHN)
X-CASH (XCASH) is public blockchain network & innovative digital asset powering the X network allowing the creation of customizable blockchains secured by a worldwide network.
Mining XCASH: How to mine X-CASH (XCASH)
TUBE (TUBE) BitTube reshapes how web monetization should work. Browse privately, ad free and support every publisher you visit. Your time powers the new attention economy without compromise. AirTime rewards you and the publisher while browsing the web. Reward any website, social account and creator with your time and donations
Mining TUBE: How to mine TUBE (TUBE)
MASARI (MSR) is a privacy-centric innovative cryptocurrency that allows users to send money around the globe with low fees very quickly. Masari is a fast, fungible, secure, private and soon-to-be scalable currency.
Mining Masari (MSR) : How to mine Masari (MSR)
IRIDIUM (IRD) takes advantage of the technology behind CryptoNote by pulling together the best features that privacy coins can offer the world.
Mining Iridium (IRD): How to mine Iridium (IRD)
ARQMA (ARQ) the heart of ArQ-Network, which was created by crypto enthusiasts to connect merchants big to small with seamless transactions and minimal fees to zero ! ArQmA creates a full and brilliant currency exchange platform which aims to provide more advanced features than any previously developed protocol.
Mining ArQmA (ARQ): How to mine ArQmA (ARQ)
WOW (WOW) Wownero is a fork of the cryptocurrency Monero with primary alterations. Wownero’s emission is capped and supply is finite. Wownero is a fairly launched coin with no premine.
Mining Wonero (WOW): How to mine WOW (Wonero)
BLOC GUI Miner comes with XMR-STAK and XMRIG already built-in, including configuration files for CPU and GPU mining in most of the cases.
We suggest macOS users to always use XMRIG bundle if possible for a simple installation as XMR-STAK require extra library.
Some antivirus packages detect cryptocurrency miners as malware and will remove the miner as soon as it's started. In order for the BLOC GUI miner to function, you'll need to exclude the miner from being scanned by your antivirus software.
- Download and install BLOC GUI Miner for Windows, Mac and Linux from GitHub
- From the Download Area of BLOC.MONEY
Some libraries are required to be able to use XMR-STAK on macOS.
- Search for terminal on your mac application and open it
- Type:
xcode-select --install
- Then:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- Then:
brew doctor
- Then the last one. Copy and paste:
brew install hwloc libmicrohttpd gcc openssl cmake
cmake . -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl -DCUDA_ENABLE=OFF -DOpenCL_ENABLE=OFF
make install
You should now be ready to use the BLOC GUI Miner.
If you do not want to bother with this PRE-installation simply use XMR-RIG version.
Make sure to check the guides how to use:
- What is BLOC GUI Miner ?
- How to compile the BLOC GUI Miner
- How to install on Windows
- How to install on macOS
- How to install on Linux
- How to use BLOC GUI Miner to mine BLOC
- How to mine TurtleCoin (TRTL)
- How to mine Sumokoin (SUMO)
- How to mine Ryo (RYO)
- How to mine Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL)
- How to mine Monero (XMR)
- How to mine Loki (LOKI)
- How to mine Haven (XHV)
- How to mine Graft (GRFT)
- How to mine Lethean (LTHN)
- How to mine Tube (TUBE)
- How to mine Masari (MSR)
- How to mine Iridium (IRD)
- How to mine ArQmA (ARQ)
- How to mine Wonero (WOW)
- How to mine X-CASH (XCASH)
- How to mine Conceal Network (CCX)
Compiling on Linux will generate the binaries for Windows, macOS and Linux.
The miner GUI is built using Electron and Go using the Astilectron app framework.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc make python libmicrohttpd10 libnss3 -y
- gcc and make are required for go packages
- python is required for GUI-miner
- libmicrohttpd is required for xmrig
- libnss3 is required for electron
or follow the next lines
download and unpack golang binaries
cd ~
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.11.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
add Go to current $PATH, by editing the current user's .bashrc
nano ~/.bashrc
add the following
# golang
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin
run the .bashrc file (otherwise you need to logout and login again for it to get triggered)
source ~/.bashrc
now you could check the go installation by running
go version
cd ~
git clone
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
edit ~/go/src/
nano ~/go/src/
and change VersionElectron = "1.8.1"
to VersionElectron = "3.0.8"
then, recompile go-astilectron-bundler
cd ~/go/src/
cd ~/BLOC-GUI-Miner
If all goes well, the binaries for Windows, macOS and Linux will be available in the bin
before you start the GUI-miner, make sure you have copied the binaries of xmrig or xmr-stak into the miner
subfolder right next to the main GUI-miner executable
You need to create your wallet before start mining.
We offer different possibility for you to create a BLOC wallet once you start the BLOC GUI Miner and follow the installation process.
If you would like to use the BLOC GUI Miner to mine other cryptocurrency than BLOC please prepare your wallet address to use for mining.
You are welcome to use your own xmr-stak or xmrig binaries as long as it is the same version compatible with the BLOC GUI Miner available on this page.
Use the standard procedure to compile your favorite miner and place the binaries file inside the miner folder next to the BLOC GUI Miner application. Once you are ready simply double click the BLOC GUI Miner icon to launch the application and start mining.
For the mining stats to display correctly you need to enable the API for each miner by doing the following:
Compiling XMR-STAK with option: -DMICROHTTPD_ENABLE=ON
Ensure you have the following in you config.txt file
"httpd_port" : 16000,
Compiling XMRIG with option: by default -DWITH_HTTPD=ON should be enabled.
Ensure you have the following in you config.json file
xmr-stak gives too many options for tuning to get the best results out of your hardware. By default the miner creates config file for CPU, NVIDIA and AMD GPU. You can edit the values within these text files and see which works best for your mining hardware. Change the value of intensity, work-size, threads and blocks. You can add more GPUs and also lower the power mode of your CPU.
XMR-Stak will save your configuration in config.txt in the same directory from which it was first run.
Your configuration for pools(algorithm to mine, address, port etc) will be saved in pools.txt The configuration of the device it mines(CPU/AMD/NVIDIA) will be saved in cpu.txt, amd.txt or nvidia.txt, respectively.
For more information on Tuning and configuring your hardware in XMR-stak we suggest you to read this guide
Your configuration for pools(algorithm to mine, address, port etc) will be saved in config.json inside the miner folder. Use to generate, edit and compare configurations so you can edit your own files inside the miner folder.
By default, the XMR-STAK will donate 2% of the hashpower (2 minutes in 100 minutes) to XMR-stak developers pool. If you want to change that, edit donate-level.hpp before you build the binaries.
By default, the XMRIG will donate 5% of the hashpower (5 minutes in 100 minutes) to XMRIG developers pool.
If you want to change that, edit config.json
before you start mining.
The BLOC GUI Miner did not change this settings as we are using the binaries from the official XMRSTAK and XMRIG GitHub rep except for macOS that was built by us and we recommend to keep the donation level as it is to support the developers of both miners.
- Fireice for his precious help
- Stellite for creating the 1st version of this GUI miner
- TurtleCoin for pushing the limits of Cryptonote
- BLOC Developers for the great work
If you have an issue not listed here or if you would like to add a new feature to the BLOC GUI Miner please submit a pull request or log a new issue, alternatively, you can contact us