Full control of GH13 setup with data export
Excitation control
- CW Laser diode intensity
- Excitation polarisation OR excitation power depending on configuration (HWP or P on rotation state); currently HWP on rotation stage
- Shutter
- FSM steering
- Microscope objective XYZ position finetuning (~ 20 um)
Detection control
- Detection polarisation
- Fine (~ 10 nm step) and coarse (~ 200 nm step) linear translation stages control
- Contrast oscillations acquisition with fine translation stage
- Contrast enveloppe acquisition with fine & coarse translation stage
- Spectroscopy with resolution ~ 60 ueV @ 500 nm and setup detectivity (- objective) around 60% (single spectrum, image, time traces, power-dep measurements)
- Polarisation measurements (excitation & detection)
- Interferometry: for now only Michelson coded; to come: HBT, HOM, PCFS
All data is exported in .h5 with all relevant experimental parameters
See ExtractData to import data into readable MATLAB structures