A collection of mods for the game Vintage Story
-Simple Spawn: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] /spawn - telports the player to world spawn
-Bunny Bell: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] Makes a "bing" noise when the player's name is;mentioned,Login,Logout,Death,PVP death Server side only. Player can overide global sounds/mutes with personal
-Bunny Bell Client-side (blocked) Clientside version of bunny bell
-Just Random Teleport: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] /rtp - Teleports the player to a random location within a 100k configurable radius of spawn
-Just Home: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] /sethome to set your home position /home to teleport to home
-Join Announce: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] Sends a message to all players when a new player joins
-Rising Sun: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] When a new player joins for the first time after dusk, the in game calendar advances to the configured dawn time Will add a feature to progress to day whenever a player logs in.
-Bunny Server Utilities: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] Collection of utility mods Translated by [ShadowPotion] [Gazelutza] [Mimarz]
-Group Random Teleport: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] /grtp to teleport to a point that moves randomly at a configurable interval of time for group random teleport excursions
-Simple Server Message: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] /smm add, /smm remove,/ssm now, /ssm frequency, /ssm list
-tpt - Teleport Too: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] Teleports the user to another player with permission
-jpm - Just Private Message Allows the player to send messages to each other. Admin can view private messages.
-Extra Juice adds juices and liquid containers. Need to remove veggie juice from this. Added fruit milk and flower teas.
-Just Light Jars: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM][DukePony] harvest glow worms and craft them with a glass jar to get glowing jars add ability to plant glow worms
-Trash Drop: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] Instead of despawning, non-compostable items will turn into a Trash block, forcing the player to deal with trash on their land.
-Mushroom Magic: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] Dry mushrooms, powder them, mix into liquids. Mix mushrooms powder and liquids in barrels to make potions with different magical effects. Potions effects should be hidden until discovered if possible.
-Chronojigs: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] Kill drifters and other mobs in a chunk to generate "temporal energy". This energy is used at altars within that chunk to manipulate time and seasons.
-Paper Craft: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] Sawmill machine to saw logs into boards but also produce sawdust. soak sawdust in barrel with water to produce pulp. Use pulp with paper machine to make paper. Paper can be used for bookshelves, paper constructs, wall scrolls and LAND CLAIM PAPERS which will allow the user to claim more land.
-Road Works: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] - 6 tiers of roads, Slabs, Stairs increasing in speed as the tiers go up - new tool: Road Tool - Tamps down soil into dirt paths and is used in the final step for asphalt to pave it into usable road - Road trader with new generated structure. - To Do: Ramps
-Calendar: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] with help from [DukePony] Craftable calendar that updates depending on day/month. Working on handling this with a genmesh with the assistance of [Craluminum]
-More Seals: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM]
-Pinata: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM][KialiaTheSweeper] Example mod that is a pinata texture over shapes of vanilla objects that drops fruit+honeycombs
-Craftable Static Translocators: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] Allows static translocators to be crafted by the player
-South Spawn: [FunnyBunnyofDOOM] Server specific mod to teleport our players to the southern hemisphere spawn point.
-Legendary Mobs: [Funnybunnyofdoom] Giant versions of mobs, and legendary versions of other resources. Will Spawn in shrines randomly generated around the world. Legendary bloom smiths to legendary ingot, then into legendary items.
-Bunny's Block Log Tracks the blocks broken and placed by users, working on animal tracking
-Bunny's Bellringer Hand bell, dinner bell and belltower
-Bunny's Oil liquid oil resource used for crude crafting and refinement (Looks like there is already another crude oil mod. We'll need to look into that one so we don't make a redundant mod.)