Webnative Filesystem(WNFS) wrapper for Android.
Exposed endpoint: mkdir, writeFile, writeFileFromPath, readFile, readFileToPath, readFilestreamToPath, rm, cp, mv
Library is already packaged and published on Jitpack and ready to be used in Android applications (Java, Kotlin). Please checkout the AppMock for all usage examples: https://github.com/functionland/wnfs-android/blob/main/appmock/src/androidTest/java/land/fx/app/WNFSTest.kt
.aar files are available here that can be imported in ny framework: https://github.com/functionland/wnfs-build-aar
It can be used in other frameworks, suchas React Native or Flutter as welll. Checkout react-native-fula for an exmaple of how to use this library in react-native and how to transfer the DAG with libp2p: https://github.com/functionland/react-native-fula
Use Ubuntu (on Windows it complains about openssl)
- Kotlin toolchain
- Android SDK + NDK (latest)
- python3 and Python command available
- Cargo and CMake
- java
- gradle
- rustup target add armv7-linux-androideabi aarch64-linux-android i686-linux-android x86_64-linux-android
- Make sure the build.gradle shows the correct ndk version you have if you see:
[CXX1104] NDK from ndk.dir at /.../ndk/25.2.9519653 had version [25....] which disagrees with android.ndkVersion [25.1.8937393]
- Make sure you define a local.properties file in the project root with the below line in it if you see NDK not found:
Make sure you have switch to debug
profile in cargo config, which could be found at lib/build.gradle
Run the command to build
./gradlew lib:assemble
Connect to a device or setup an AVD and check the functionality.
./gradlew appmock:connectedCheck
Before make a release build, ensure you have set profile = "release"
in cargo config.
./gradlew lib:assemble
The generated release build is lib/build/outputs/aar/lib-release.aar
Ensure you have committed your changes.
./gradlew release
Then simply push to the repo.
Please note the following might not be done in order:
- Initial version with all functions included
- Add WNFS tree encryption key generation from an input (deterministically)
- add error catching
- add metadata to ls and make it array
- Improve read function to use a stream. ( 💯 v1 Release here )
- remove dependancy to custom version of wnfs