First, generate a Slack API token using
Set up SLACK_TOKEN and SLACK_CHANNEL env variables, so that Slack checker may fetch members list and send the output to a custom slack channel.
Run once to get alive members list.
ruby check.rb
Run again and checks members who died:
ruby check.rb
Sample output:
$ ruby check.rb
.xUHWH!! !!?M88WHX:.
.X*#M@$!! !X!M$$$$$$WWx:.
:!!!!!!?H! :!$!$$$$$$$$$$8X:
!!~ ~:~!! :~!$!#$$$$$$$$$$8X:
:!~::!H!< ~.U$X!?R$$$$$$$$MM!
~!~!!!!~~ .:XW$$$U!!?$$$$$$RMM!
!:~~~ .:!M"T#$$$$WX??#MRRMMM!
~?WuxiW*` `"#$$$$8!!!!??!!!
:X- M$$$$ `"T#$T~!8$WUXU~
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W$@@M!!! .!~~ !! .:XUW$W!~ `"~: :
#"~~`.:x%`!! !H: !WM$$$$Ti.: .!WUn+!`
:::~:!!`:X~ .: ?H.!u "$$$B$$$!W:U!T$$M~
.~~ :X@!.-~ ?@WTWo("*$$$W$TH$! `
Wi.~!X$?!-~ : ?$$$B$Wu("**$RM!
$R@i.~~ ! : ~$$$$$B$$en:``
?MXT@Wx.~ : ~"##*$$$$M~
2019-03-28 16:54:28 felipe.tuy IS GONE!!!!
One can check last month deaths using:
ruby graveyard.rb
One can check headcount diff using:
ruby headcount.rb
One can check new slack members using:
ruby news.rb