This small sample project showcase the development of 3 microservices using both Jakarta EE 10 and Eclipse MicroProfile 6.0
The domain model and real-world requirements are inspired in the official conference demo project for the Eclipse MicroProfile stack.
The following service modules are defined:
Speaker: Handles all speakers data and provides a default configurable list of venues.
Session: Handles session data. Unlike the official Conference demo, here scheduling sessions is doing in tandem while creating them, so no
service is used. -
Vote: Handles session rating and the creation of attendees.
CombinedTests : A separate modules with integration testing cases for all application uses cases.
Dashboard: A UI dashboard application that integrates all services.
Additionally, the Dashboard module has a UI that interacts with these services.
All three services are provisioned using Payara Community Micro 6.
The Payara Micro Maven Plugin is configured on all projects for a quick launch-up.