This is the official repository of "Learning 3D Garment Animation from Trajectories of A Piece of Cloth, NeurIPS 2024".
Authors: Yidi Shao, Chen Change Loy, and Bo Dai.
Acknowedgement: This study is supported under the RIE2020 Industry Alignment Fund Industry Collaboration Projects (IAF-ICP) Funding Initiative, as well as cash and in-kind contributions from the industry partner(s). It is also supported by Singapore MOE AcRF Tier 2 (MOE-T2EP20221-0011) and partially funded by the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
Feel free to ask questions. I am currently working on some other stuff but will try my best to reply. Please don't hesitate to star!
- 23 Feb, 2025: code, pretrained model, and dataset.
- All code released, including EUNet training/inference, MeshGraphNet constrained by EUNet training/inference. Pretrained models of EUNet and MeshGraphNet are also released.
- Release the dataset (a piece of cloth) to train EUNet. Please download here.
- 13 Dec, 2024: EUNet core codes released.
- 24 Nov, 2024: Codes released.
While the dataset is not one of the main contribution,
we still release part of the data including a piece of cloth.
Please download here and extract to data/meta_cloth
|-- data
└── meta_cloth
|-- mesh_484 (trajectories)
|-- mesh
| |-- mesh_484.obj
| └── mesh_484.json
|-- entry_train_meta.txt
|-- entry_test_meta.txt
└── train_val_test.json
We train our model with one V100.
# CUDA11.7 TORCH1.13
conda create -n EUNet python=3.9 pytorch==1.13.0 pytorch-cuda=11.7 torchvision==0.14.0 torchaudio==0.13.0 -c pytorch -c nvidia -y
conda activate EUNet
<!-- mim install mmcv-full==1.7.1 -->
pip install mmcv-full==1.7.1 -f https://download.openmmlab.com/mmcv/dist/cu117/torch1.13.0/index.html
pip3 install h5py pyrender trimesh numpy==1.24.3 tqdm plotly scipy chumpy einops smplx yapf==0.40.1 tensorboard
pip install dgl==1.1.0 -f https://data.dgl.ai/wheels/cu117/repo.html
pip install dglgo -f https://data.dgl.ai/wheels-test/repo.html
pip3 install -v -e .
ln -s path/to/data data
ln -s path/to/work_dirs work_dirs
conda install -c fvcore -c iopath -c conda-forge fvcore iopath -y
conda install -c bottler nvidiacub -y
conda install pytorch3d -c pytorch3d -y
python tools/train.py configs/potential_energy/base.py --work_dir PATH/TO/DIR
Download the pretrained model here and put to work_dirs/eunet/material/latest.pth
python tools/test.py configs/potential_energy/base.py work_dirs/eunet/material/latest.pth
- We follow HOOD to train the neural simulator constrained by our EUNet. Please follow HOOD to prepare the data first, and put to
. - Make sure the VTO dataset is at
. The data structure is as follows:
|-- data
└── hood_data
|-- aux_data
| |-- datasplits
| |-- garment_meshes
| |-- smpl
| |-- garments_dict.pkl
| └── smpl_aux.pkl
└── vto_dataset
- Execute the command:
python tools/train.py configs/dynamic_simulator/base.py --work_dir PATH/TO/WORK/DIR
- If using pretrained model, please download from here and put to
. - Execute the following commands, which will save garment meshes into
in the form of ".pkl".
python tools/test.py configs/dynamic_simulator/test.py work_dirs/eunet/dynamics/latest.pth --show-dir PATH/TO/SAVE/DIR --show-options rollout=SEQ_NUM # SEQ_NUM is the number of target sequence, e.g. rollout=4430
- We sample sequences from the training set of Cloth3D. Please download the training set here and extract to
. - Download the SMPL model from [here], rename them to "model_f.pkl" and "model_m.pkl", and move to
. The final structure should be as follows:
|-- data
└── cloth3d
└── entry_test.txt (provided)
└── train
└── 00000 (sequences)
└── smpl
|-- model_f.pkl
|-- model_m.pkl
└── segm_per_v_overlap.pkl (provided)
- To evaluate the pretrained model, please execute the following command, which will output the errors for each/all sequences.
python tools/test.py configs/dynamic_simulator/test_cloth3d.py work_dirs/eunet/dynamics/latest.pth
Tshirt | Top | Jumpsuit | Dress | Overall | Collision (%) |
To visualize the meshes, please execute:
python tools/visualization.py --work_dir PATH/TO/SAVE/DIR --seq SEQ_NUM --frame FRAME_NUM
An example usage is python tools/visualization.py --work_dir PATH/TO/SAVE/DIR --seq 4430 --frame 1
You can hide/visualize corresponding meshes by clicking the legend on the top-right of the web page.
author = {Shao, Yidi and Loy, Chen Change and Dai, Bo},
title = {Learning 3D Garment Animation from Trajectories of A Piece of Cloth},
booktitle = {NeurIPS},
year = {2024}