We apply community detection on climate networks of Extreme Rainfall Events (EREs) to determine their intraseasonal variability.
An intuition on network community detection is given by:
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:fstrnad/monsoon_synchronization.git
To reproduce our analysis described in the paper follow these steps: We recommend creating a new environment and installing all required packages by running:
conda env create -f submodules/climnet/condaEnv.yml
conda activate climnetenv
pip install graphriccicurvature
pip install -e submodules/geoutils
pip install -e submodules/climnet
Download Precipitation data from MSWEP. Regrid the file to 1°x1° daily resolution (e.g. by using the geoutils package) and store the merged file in the data folder.
- Create the corresponding dataset and graph
python bin/create_ds.py
python bin/create_network.py
python bin/lb_net.py
python bin/cut_network.py
python bin/communities.py
The networks and community files are created and stored in 'outputs/'. They are used for the paper plots later.
- Reproduce plots in the paper by running
python bin/paper_plots.py
The figures should look somehow similar to the following: