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Initial support for autocomplete of versions in private sources in At…
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…om and VS Code - references #1298
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forki committed Jan 18, 2016
1 parent 599776f commit 7572b87
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Showing 6 changed files with 58 additions and 18 deletions.
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#### 2.44.6 - 18.01.2016
* BUGFIX: Fix casing for autocomplete of local NuGet feeds -
* Initial support for autocomplete of private sources in Atom and VS Code -
* Initial support for autocomplete of versions in private sources in Atom and VS Code -

#### 2.44.5 - 17.01.2016
* Initial support for autocomplete of local NuGet feeds -
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23 changes: 22 additions & 1 deletion integrationtests/Paket.IntegrationTests/AutocompleteSpecs.fs
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Expand Up @@ -47,4 +47,25 @@ let ``#1298 should autocomplete for fake on local feed``() =
let result = Dependencies.FindPackagesByName([PackageSource.LocalNuGet(Path.Combine(originalScenarioPath "i001219-props-files", "nuget_repo"))],"fake")
result |> shouldContain "FAKE.Core"
result |> shouldNotContain "Dapper"
result |> shouldNotContain "dapper"
result |> shouldNotContain "dapper"

let ``#1298 should autocomplete versions for FAKE on NuGet3``() =
let result = Dependencies.FindPackageVersions("",[PackageSource.NuGetV3Source Constants.DefaultNuGetV3Stream],"fake")
result |> shouldContain "2.6.15"
result |> shouldContain "4.14.9"
result.Length |> shouldEqual 1000
result |> shouldNotContain "FAKE.Core"

[<Ignore>] // it's only working on forki's machine
let ``#1298 should autocomplete versions for msu on local teamcity``() =
let result = Dependencies.FindPackageVersions("",[PackageSource.NuGetV2Source "http://teamcity/guestAuth/app/nuget/v1/FeedService.svc/"],"msu.Addins")
result |> shouldNotContain "msu.Addins"
result |> shouldContain "03.03.7"

let ``#1298 should autocomplete versions for dapper on local feed``() =
let result = Dependencies.FindPackageVersions("",[PackageSource.LocalNuGet(Path.Combine(originalScenarioPath "i001219-props-files", "nuget_repo"))],"Dapper")
result |> shouldEqual [|"1.42.0"; "1.40"|]

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Paket.Core/NuGetV2.fs
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Expand Up @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ let tryNuGetV3 (auth, nugetV3Url, package:PackageName) =
with exn -> return None

/// Gets versions of the given package from local Nuget feed.
/// Gets versions of the given package from local NuGet feed.
let getAllVersionsFromLocalPath (localNugetPath, package:PackageName, root) =
async {
let localNugetPath = Utils.normalizeLocalPath localNugetPath
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Paket.Core/NuGetV3.fs
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Expand Up @@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ let internal findAutoCompleteVersionsForPackage(v3Url, auth, packageName:Domain.
let versions =
let extracted = extractAutoCompleteVersions text
if extracted.Length > maxResults then
extracted |> Seq.take maxResults |> Seq.toArray
SemVer.SortVersions extracted |> Array.take maxResults
SemVer.SortVersions extracted

return Some(SemVer.SortVersions versions)
return Some versions
| None -> return None

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28 changes: 24 additions & 4 deletions src/Paket.Core/PublicAPI.fs
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Expand Up @@ -454,10 +454,9 @@ type Dependencies(dependenciesFileName: string) =
|> Seq.choose (fun source ->
match source with
| NuGetV2 s ->
if s.Url.Contains "" || s.Url.Contains "" then
Some(NuGetV3.FindPackages(s.Authentication, s.Url, searchTerm, maxResults))
Some(NuGetV2.FindPackages(s.Authentication, s.Url, searchTerm, maxResults))
match NuGetV3.getSearchAPI(s.Authentication,s.Url) with
| Some _ -> Some(NuGetV3.FindPackages(s.Authentication, s.Url, searchTerm, maxResults))
| None -> Some(NuGetV2.FindPackages(s.Authentication, s.Url, searchTerm, maxResults))
| NuGetV3 s -> Some(NuGetV3.FindPackages(s.Authentication, s.Url, searchTerm, maxResults))
| LocalNuGet s ->
Some(async {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -498,6 +497,27 @@ type Dependencies(dependenciesFileName: string) =

static member FindPackageVersions(root,sources:PackageSource seq,name:string,?maxResults) =
let maxResults = defaultArg maxResults 1000
let sources =
match sources |> Seq.toList |> List.distinct with
| [] -> [PackageSources.DefaultNuGetSource]
| sources -> sources
|> List.distinct

let versions =
NuGetV2.GetVersions true root (sources, PackageName name)
|> (fun (v,_) -> v.ToString())
|> List.toArray
|> SemVer.SortVersions

if versions.Length > maxResults then Array.take maxResults versions else versions

member this.FindPackageVersions(sources:PackageSource seq,name:string,?maxResults) =
let maxResults = defaultArg maxResults 1000

/// Finds all projects where the given package is referenced.
member this.FindProjectsFor(group:string,package: string): ProjectFile list =
FindReferences.FindReferencesForPackage (GroupName group) (PackageName package) |> this.Process
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16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions src/Paket/Program.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -281,19 +281,17 @@ let showGroups (results : ParseResults<ShowGroupsArgs>) =

let findPackageVersions (results : ParseResults<_>) =
let maxResults = defaultArg (results.TryGetResult <@ FindPackageVersionsArgs.MaxResults @>) 10000
let dependencies = Dependencies.Locate()
let name =
match results.TryGetResult <@ FindPackageVersionsArgs.NuGet @> with
| Some name -> name
| None -> results.GetResult <@ FindPackageVersionsArgs.Name @>
let source = defaultArg (results.TryGetResult <@ FindPackageVersionsArgs.Source @>) Constants.DefaultNuGetStream
let result =
match NuGetV3.getSearchAPI(None,source) with
| None -> Array.empty
| Some v3Url ->
NuGetV3.FindAutoCompleteVersionsForPackage(v3Url,None,Domain.PackageName name,true,maxResults)
|> Async.RunSynchronously

for p in result do
let sources =
match results.TryGetResult <@ FindPackageVersionsArgs.Source @> with
| Some source -> [PackageSource.NuGetV2Source source]
| _ -> dependencies.GetSources() |> (fun kv -> kv.Value) |> List.concat

for p in dependencies.FindPackageVersions(sources,name,maxResults) do
tracefn "%s" p

let push (results : ParseResults<_>) =
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