- Run with Run as administrator and press number 1 or number 2 it's up to you
- Double Click Settings.Anti.Notif.Update.reg And KeyReg.reg After Patch
Use IDM forever without cracking. If you can, buy a license to support the developer
You can edit KeyReg In here: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager
This script applies registry lock method to activate Internet download manager (IDM).
This method requires Internet at the time of activation.
IDM updates can be installed directly without having to activate again.
After the activation, if in some case, the IDM starts to show activation nag screen, then just run the activation option again.
Internet download manager provides 30 days trial period, you can use this script to reset this Activation / Trial period whenever you want.
This option also can be used to restore status if in case the IDM reports fake serial key and other similar errors.
- Project is supported only for Windows 7/8/8.1/10 and their Server equivalent.
- Advanced Info:
To add a custom name in IDM license info, edit the line number 5 in the script file.
For activation in unattended mode, run the script with /act parameter.
For reset in unattended mode, run the script with /res parameter.
To enable silent mode with above two methods, run the script with /s parameter.
Possible accepted values,
"IAS_xxxxxxxx.cmd" /act "IAS_xxxxxxxx.cmd" /res "IAS_xxxxxxxx.cmd" /act /s "IAS_xxxxxxxx.cmd" /res /s
- Troubleshooting steps:
If any other activator was used to activate IDM previously then make sure to properly uninstall it with that same activator (if there is an option), this is especially important if any registry / firewall block method was used.
Uninstall the IDM from control panel.
Make sure the latest original IDM setup is used for the installation, you can download it from https://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/download.html
Now install the IDM and use the activate option in this script and if failed then,
Disable windows firewall with the script option, this help in case of leftover entries of previously used activator (some file patch method also creates firewall entries).
Some security programs may block this script, this is false-positive, as long as you downloaded the file from original post (mentioned below in this page), temporary suspend Antivirus realtime protection, or exclude the downloaded file/extracted folder from scanning.
If you are still facing any issues, please contact me (mentioned below in this page).