The project requires python3 with: python-requests, bs4, pyyaml, schedule To install all dependencies, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
or pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Create a folder ad# i.e. ad1, ad2
- Place all the photos in the folder
- Create a yml file for the ad in the same name as the folder (either using the CLI the instruction in next section or editing exiting yml file)
- Create a schedule python file. (Look at an example at
- Start the file with import statement
from adScheduler import *
- create a adSchedule class under any variable name with the following parameters
- ad_id: this must match folder name of the ad yml file and ad yml filename
- repeat: interval in minutes at which the ad is reposted
- delay: number of minutes delayed before the ad is started
- i.e. for ad66 repeated every 30 minutes that will start after 30 minutes:
ad1 = adSchedule(ad_id=66, repeat=30, delay=30)
- to initiate a schedule, run the start function for each ad. i.e.
- end the file with
while True: schedule.run_pending()
- Start the file with import statement
- to run the script, simply run
python **nameOfTheFile**
Create an yml file for an ad using kijiji_repost_headless :
python kijiji_repost_headless build_ad
Post one ad (item.yml):
python kijiji_repost_headless [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] post myproduct/item.yml
Repost one ad (item.yml); will delete the ad prior to posting if it already exists:
python kijiji_repost_headless [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] repost myproduct/item.yml
Show all active ads:
python kijiji_repost_headless [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] show
Delete all ads:
python kijiji_repost_headless [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] nuke
Delete one ad (using ad id):
python kijiji_repost_headless [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] delete myAdId