Setup an hotspot with MITM functionalities on a raspberry pi, with a web interface to control status and enable/disable MITM services.
Sets up a LAN subnet with address range.
- Raspberry-Pi with Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster).
- Machine with ansible installed to configure the RPi
Setup Ansible on control machine.
pip3 install ansible
Setup ansible Host file eg. /etc/ansible/hosts
[RASPI_WIFI] remote_user=pi
Edit variables in pi-pineapple.yaml to match desired hotspot settings
ansible-playbook pi-pineapple.yaml
ansible-playbook pi-pineapple-django.yaml
ansible-playbook pi-pineapple-tcpdump.yaml
- Connect to hotspot wifi
ssh pi@
cd /opt/pi-pineapple
python3 createsuperuser
- Connect to hotspot wifi
- Open in your browser
- Login with previously created credentials