Encrypt your image using another image. (Not suitable for all images)
It uses the key image
(another image) to generate a seed
, and the seed will be used by the target image to encrypt or decrypt.
# Generate key
python genkey.py -r <key-image-name> -w <width> -h <height> -r <channel>
-r (optional) Key file name
-w (required) Key image width
-h (required) Key image height
-r (optional) Key image channel
# Encryption
python app.py -t E -i <image-to-encrypt> -k <image-key>
-t (required) Type(E|D)
-i (required) Target Image
-k (required) Key Image
# Decryption
python app.py -t D -i <image-to-decrypt> -k <image-key>
-t (required) Type
-i (required) Target Image
-k (required) Key Image
Not really, this is just for fun and some simple experimentation.