Warband chess variant
Warbands comprise:
- P: infantry (pawns)
- B: archers (bishops)
- N: knights.
These move and capture like they do in regular chess, although archers can shoot/move through rank and file, even if occupied, but only if the move kills an enemy.
Promote infantry to win the game.
If no infantry are left, the game is a draw.
Moves are made using the coordinate notation e.g. a3a4.
White pieces are shown in uppercase (P,B,N) and black pieces in lowercase (p,b,n).
To install, clone this repo, change to the directory and run:
nimble build
This will install any needed libraries and build a longbow executable. Simply run that executable in a terminal/shell to play.
Parameters include:
- -h : help
- -b : play as black (default = false)
- -f : flip board (default = false)
- -d:x : where x is depth of search (default = 5)
The depth of search is measured in plies. One ply is a single play. So, one full round of play between two players is two plies.
./longbox -bd:7 plays as black with a depth of 7.
This code uses John Dupuy's excellent turn_based_game and negamax nim modules: