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Court Websites
Ansel Halliburton edited this page Dec 9, 2022
32 revisions
This page keeps track of the progress of each court and its scrapers for various objects like opinions and oral argument audio files. Opinion scrapers are listed first, oral argument audio file scrapers are next, and then some scraping techniques are listed at the end.
In theory all courts with completed scrapers should be marked as DONE. Once in a while, something is out of sync. You can also see the courts that have been deployed on CourtListener.
This page is a wiki. Please feel free to edit it as you work.
- DONE Opinion scrapers for all Federal Circuit Courts.
- Most Federal District Courts are going to be handled by the WrittenOpinions report provided by PACER. However, some District Courts have an opinions page that may be preferable or contain different material. We'll list those here:
- DONE District Court of D.C. (2014 page; set up a year variable in main scraper)
- DONE District Court of D.C. (everything for backscraper)
- Patent Trial and Appeal Board
- Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
- U.S. GAO
- DONE Merit Systems Protection Board (Precedential) and Non-precedential
- DONE U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
- Judicial Panel On Multidistrict Litigation (will need to use PACER as filing date not available otherwise)
DONE-ISH U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
- (except annual zip files of opinions from 1989-1999 without metadata which are also available.)
- DONE U.S. Court of Federal Claims
- DONE U.S. Court of International Trade
- DONE U.S. Tax Court
- DOABLE, BUT HARD 1st Cir. BAP The only way to get date of opinion publication is to use their search interface and to ensure you get less than the max of 200 results, enter "96" "97" "98" ... "11" "12"... in the "Case number begins with" field. Unfortunately these searches do not create a stable URL. Just need a scraper that can submit search queries and this can be done.
- UNAVAILABLE 8th Cir. BAP We already get these opinions from the regular 8th Cir. page, but they are not clearly designated as BAP opinions there. This link to the BAP court seems promising, but the latest case it has is from 2012. It appears we can't do any better with this.
- DONE 9th Cir. BAP Seems their new opinions are (also?) on this part of the ca9 site.
- DONE 10th Cir. BAP (poor metadata; only lists case number, does not provide case name or date; they do have a plain text file that appears to provide this metadata for at least the most recent case, maybe the most recent week, not clear, and by surfing directories one could get a "modified date" that is probably the opinion date, but who knows, and even then you'd still have no case name.)
- Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences (precedential)
- DONE Board of Veterans' Appeals
- IN PROGRESS Board of Immigration Appeals
- Assiniboine & Sioux Montana Law Library (not sure if updated or historical only)
- Cherokee Nation Multiple pages appears to cover decades of Judicial Appeals Tribunal and Supreme Court Opinions
- Confederated Salish & Kootenai Montana Law Library (not sure if updated or historical only)
- Crow Montana Law Library (not sure if updated or historical only)
- Grand Ronde (Javascript-based file folder system)
- Ho-Chunk Nation (image-based pdfs)
- Muscogee Creek Nation Supreme Court
- Oneida Reporter (1992-2008) Oneida Trial and Appellate Opinions (2009-2010)
- Tribal Court Clearinghouse (2700+ opinions can be found searching for 'court')
- more...
- U.S. Army Court of Criminal Appeals (Opinions, Memorandum Opinions, and Summary Dispositions)
- DONE Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals
- DONE U.S. Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals
- DONE Coast Guard Court of Criminal Appeals
- DONE Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals
- DONE Alabama
DONE Alaska
- xpath examples of child, descendant, following-sibling
- Multiple opinions listed under a single date
- Assumes precedential
DONE Arizona
- Titlecase used on case_names field
- xpath examples of
'contains @id'
- Arizona Court of Appeals
- DONE Division 1
- Division 2 - TODO (Brian and Deb worked on this but ultimately could not figure it out. Would get fewer old opinions, but a more reasonable page by using their RSS feed.)
- DONE Arizona Tax Court TODO
DONE Arkansas -
- Titlecase used on judges field
- xpath examples all use
- HTML Element converted to string
- Assumes precedential
- Court of Appeals merely points to different URL
DONE Arkansas Court of Appeals
- Extends ark.py
DONE California
- RegEx used for case_names
- Replaces abbreviation of 'People' in case_names
- Handles multiple date formats
- Assumes precedential
- Courts of Appeal scrapers just add 'division' metadata
- Separate page for non-precedential opinions assumes non-precedential
- DONE California Court of Appeals w/various divisions
DONE Colorado
- Court-provided pdf announcement difficult to work with
- Contact in mid-2013 yielded no change
- Need to use state bar page
- State Bar page for Court of Appeals TODO but HARD (Check with Mike if you want to work on this one.)
DONE Connecticut
- Daily page + annual archive TODO
- Archive pages list multiple opinions under one date; see Alaska for example scraper.
DONE Delaware Supreme Court
- DONE Delaware Lower Courts
- DONE District of Columbia
DONE Florida
- Lists multiple opinions under each date (see alaska)
- Many opinions are accompanied by revised opinions or separate orders that are not hyperlinked with their case name. Somewhat similar to padding strategy in /federal/district/dcd could be used.
DONE Georgia -
- Appears to be hand-written HTML with numerous mistakes that make accurate parsing a challenge.
Georgia Appeals Court
- May require a POST, otherwise looks easy.
- DONE Hawaii
- DONE Hawaii Appellate
DONE Idaho
- DONE Idaho Civil
- DONE Idaho Criminal
- DONE Idaho Court Appeals Civil
- DONE Idaho Court Appeals Criminal -
- DONE Idaho Unpublished
- DONE Illinois Supreme
- DONE Illinois Appeals
DONE Indiana:
- DONE Indiana Supreme
- DONE Indiana Court of Appeals
- DONE Indiana Tax Court
DONE Iowa Supreme
- Releases opinions on Fridays and makes a separate page for each release date.
- DONE Iowa Appeals
- DONE Kansas Supreme and Appellate
DONE Kentucky Supreme
- This uses the venerable dtsearch on the backend, which will return everything if you search for 'xfirstword'. Unfortunately, the name of the case is not included in this, making it nearly useless. Good news! You can get the case name from a separate system!
- Kentucky App. Ct. TODO
DONE Louisiana
- Only provides results by search query, but a complete result set can be found with the following query: "court OR louisiana OR facts OR page OR district OR circuit OR state OR see". Those are among the top non-stopwords in CourtListener
DONE Maine
- Backscrapers to 1997 possible, but errors in handwritten HTML requires attention
- DONE Maryland
- DONE Maryland Court of Special Appeals
DONE Massachusetts
- massworkcompcom Need a scraper for these Workers' Comp cases. They call it the Dept. of Industrial Accidents.
DONE Michigan
- DONE Mich. App. Ct.
DONE Minnesota -
- Source can be this or this (research needed).
- Oral arg videos
DONE Mississippi
- Completed by Raymond Yee
- Uses date-based URLs and beginning of year files.
- DONE Mississippi Ct. App.
DONE Missouri -
- Supreme Court
- Court of Appeals
- Completed by Ben Cassidy
- Uses date-based URLs
DONE Montana
- Has extremely long URL. See file for details.
- Completed by mlr
- DONE Nebraska
- DONE Nebraska Court of Appeals
- DONE Nevada
DONE New Hampshire
- Contains a fragment of code, but nothing to get excited about.
DONE New Jersey Published
- Uses dynamic XPath queries to vary the scrapers for this and the NJ Super Ct scraper
- New Jersey Unpublished
- DONE New Jersey Super Court Appellate Division
- DONE New Mexico
- DONE New Mexico Court of Appeals
- DONE New York
DONE North Carolina:
- DONE North Carolina
- DONE North Carolina Court of Appeals
- North Carolina Business Court ncsuperct
DONE North Dakota
- Shows how two example files can be used for extensive testing.
- DONE North Dakota Court of Appeals
- DONE Ohio
- DONE Oklahoma
DONE Oregon
- Oregon Ct. App. TODO
- DONE Pennsylvania
- DONE Rhode Island
- DONE South Carolina
- DONE South Dakota
- DONE Tennessee
- DONE Tennessee Criminal Appellate Court
- DONE Tennessee Court of Appeals
DONE Texas
- DONE Texas Appellate Divisions
- DONE Utah Ct. App. TODO
- DONE Vermont
- DONE Virginia
- DONE Virginia Court of Appeals
DONE Washington
- Link requires numerous parameters -- see file for details.
DONE Washington Court of Appeals
- Same URL as Wash, but with different parameters.
- DONE West Virginia
DONE Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Ct. App. TODO
- DONE Wyoming
- American Samoa
- DONE Guam Backscrapers to 1996 possible.
- Northern Marianas Islands
- Supreme Court Backscrapers to 1989 possible.
- Superior Court
- Puerto Rico (en espanol)
- U.S. Virgin Islands Backscrapers to 2007 possible. Unpublished opinions also available.
DONE Oral Argument scrapers for all (nine) Federal Circuit Courts that support it:
- DONE 1st Circuit: RSS files are in form: http://www.ca1.uscourts.gov/files/audio/##-####.mp3
- IMPOSSIBLE 2d Circuit: None that I can find.
DONE, EXCEPT BACKSCRAPER 3rd Circuit: Last 7 days are listed. Files are in form: http://www.ca3.uscourts.gov/oralargument/audio/##-####PlaintiffvDefendant.wma
- Entire archive listed here: http://www.ca3.uscourts.gov/oralargument/ListArgumentsAll.aspx
- DONE 4th Circuit: HTML, RSS
- DONE 5th Circuit: files are in form: http://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/OralArgRecordings/09/##-#####_M-D-YYYY.wma
- DONE 6th Circuit
- DONE 7th Circuit: Past week. Files are in form: http://www.ca7.uscourts.gov/fdocs/docs.fwx?submit=showbr&shofile=##-####_001.mp3
- DONE 8th Circuit: Files are in form: http://8cc-www.ca8.uscourts.gov/OAaudio/2010/2/######.MP3 (case number w/o hyphen)
- DONE 9th Circuit: files are linked to in form: http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/media/view_subpage.php?pk_id=0000005305 (random #?) and then on a subsequent page: http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/media/2010/04/09/##-#####.wma
A good list of links from NCSC is here.
- Alaska
- Supreme Court Select cases. Must click through to each case for audio link.
- Colorado: audio generally available only for pre-7/1/2015 arguments. Video only going forward.
- Supreme Court Straightforward
- Court of Appeals Same format.
- Hawaii Have to follow link to get to page with audio file link.
- [Indiana] (https://mycourts.in.gov/arguments/) Supreme, Appeals, and Tax. Video too. Must follow link to individual case page.
- Illinois
- Supreme Court Audio and Video
- Illinois Ct. App. All 5 Districts + Workers Comp.
- Michigan Click-through for each
- Missouri Each day has its own "Case summary" link.
- Nebraska
- North Dakota Typically posted by 5pm on day of argument. Recent cases in sidebar, click through to each case.
- Tennessee Supreme, Ct. App., Ct. Crim. App., & Workers Comp. (No direct audio link; uses javascript or something)
- Texas
- Supreme Court Audio and Video
- Utah
- Supreme Court Seems like "Session" files may be redundant. Check.
- Court of Appeals
- Virginia
- Washington
- Supreme court is video only (see below)
- Court of Appeals Division 1 click-through for each date
- Court of Appeals Division 2 click through for each date
- Court of Appeals Division 3 click through for each date
- Wisconsin
- Supreme Court
- Court of Appeals Only available for Court of Appeals District II. Must provide search criteria. Seem to be very scant.
- Alaska
- Supreme Court Select cases. Must click through to each case.
- Arizona
- Supreme Court Video only
- Arkansas
- Colorado: Video available from 7/1/15 on.
- Supreme Court Straightforward
- Court of Appeals Same format.
- Delaware (Video seems preferred in 2014, same through 2016)
- Indiana Supreme, Appeals, and Tax. Video too. Must follow link to individual case page.
- Florida
- Supreme Court
- Fourth District Court of Appeal
- Fifth District Court of Appeal Must click through to a PDF for individual days of arguments, which then contain strange links to video.
- Georgia
- Kansas Must click through to each month
- [Indiana] (https://mycourts.in.gov/arguments/) Supreme, Appeals, and Tax. Video too. Must follow link to individual case page.
- Illinois
- Supreme Court Audio and Video
- Illinois Ct. App. All 5 Districts + Workers Comp.
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- New York
- Massachusetts Videos
- Michigan Supreme Court is archiving oral arg video on its YT channel
- Ohio
- Texas
- Washington Supreme Court requires search for Supreme Court