#Messaging service in C++ This is my Messaging program. It's a server-client program that allows a client to send a message to another person. The client can also read messages for any given name. Full information about this lab is provided on the class website:
This is Project/Lab 2, where we added threads and semaphores to our Lab 1 code. The program can handle a lot of clients at one time using 10 threads and several semaphores.
The two main data structures that I used in this project would be the queue for the clients and a map for the messages:
Queue: Located in C function in "Server.cc" called "threadTask". The queue is on line 90. The places where it is protected by semaphores are from lines 94-105.
Map: My semaphore to protect the Map of messages is contained in "AllUsers.cc" (see line 15, where I initialize the semaphore). However, the places where I call sem_wait and sem_post are under the "put", "list", "get", and "reset" functions within the "Handler.cc" file.
Put - lines 248 - 254 List - lines 265 - 271 Get - lines 282 - 299 Reset - lines 318 - 321
I hope all of that information made sense. If not, feel free to email me and ask any questions. Thanks!