Lazy Hydration of Server-Side Rendered Vue.js v3 Components
Inspired by vue-lazy-hydration
, this library brings a renderless component, composables and import wrappers to delay the hydration of pre-rendered HTML.
Use yarn v1, npm or pnpm package manager to install vue3-lazy-hydration.
# install with yarn
yarn add vue3-lazy-hydration
# install with npm
npm install vue3-lazy-hydration
# install with pnpm
pnpm add vue3-lazy-hydration
If you want to use the renderless component you can either import it directly inside your Vue SFCs (see examples below) or make it available globally.
import { createSSRApp } from 'vue';
import { LazyHydrationWrapper } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration';
const app = createSSRApp({});
app.component('LazyHydrationWrapper', LazyHydrationWrapper);
// or, you can use a custom registered name:
// use <LazyHydrate> instead of <LazyHydrationWrapper>
app.component('LazyHydrate', LazyHydrationWrapper);
Thanks to Baroshem the Nuxt 3 plugin nuxt-lazy-hydrate is available for this purpose.
Never hydrate.
<template> <LazyHydrationWrapper @hydrated="onHydrated"> <!-- Content never hydrated. --> </LazyHydrationWrapper> </template> <script setup> import { LazyHydrationWrapper } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration'; function onHydrated() { console.log('this function will never be called !'); } </script>
Delays hydration until the browser is idle.
<template> <LazyHydrationWrapper :when-idle="4000" @hydrated="onHydrated"> <!-- Content hydrated when the browser is idle, or when the timeout of 4000ms has elapsed and hydration has not already taken place. --> </LazyHydrationWrapper> </template> <script setup> import { LazyHydrationWrapper } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration'; function onHydrated() { console.log('content hydrated !'); } </script>
Delays hydration until one of the root elements is visible.
<template> <LazyHydrationWrapper :when-visible="{ rootMargin: '50px' }" @hydrated="onHydrated" > <!-- Content hydrated when one of the root elements is visible. All root elements are observed with a margin of 50px. --> </LazyHydrationWrapper> </template> <script setup> import { LazyHydrationWrapper } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration'; function onHydrated() { console.log('content hydrated !'); } </script>
Delays hydration until one of the elements triggers a DOM event (focus by default).
<template> <LazyHydrationWrapper :on-interaction="['click', 'touchstart']" @hydrated="onHydrated" > <!-- Content hydrated when one of the elements triggers a click or touchstart event. --> </LazyHydrationWrapper> </template> <script setup> import { LazyHydrationWrapper } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration'; function onHydrated() { console.log('content hydrated !'); } </script>
Delays hydration until manually triggered.
<template> <button @click="triggerHydration">Trigger hydration</button> <LazyHydrationWrapper :when-triggered="triggered" @hydrated="onHydrated"> <!-- Content hydrated when the above button is clicked. --> </LazyHydrationWrapper> </template> <script setup> import { ref } from 'vue'; import { LazyHydrationWrapper } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration'; const triggered = ref(false); function triggerHydration() { triggered.value = true; } function onHydrated() { console.log('content hydrated !'); } </script>
props: {
/* Number type refers to the timeout option passed to the requestIdleCallback API
* @see
whenIdle: {
default: false,
type: [Boolean, Number],
/* Object type refers to the options passed to the IntersectionObserver API
* @see
whenVisible: {
default: false,
type: [Boolean, Object],
* @see
onInteraction: {
default: false,
type: [Array, Boolean, String],
* Object type refers to a ref object
* @see
whenTriggered: {
default: undefined,
type: [Boolean, Object],
<script setup>
import { useLazyHydration } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration';
// delays hydration until hydrate function is called
const { willPerformHydration, hydrate, onHydrated, onCleanup } =
if (willPerformHydration === false) {
* The application is actually running at server-side
* or subsequent navigation occurred at client-side after the first load.
// this hook is run when component is hydrated
// and all its child asynchronous components are resolved
onHydrated(() => {
console.log('content hydrated !');
// this hook is run just before hydration
onCleanup(() => {
console.log('clean side effects (timeout, listeners, etc...)');
// optionnaly hydrate the component
<script setup>
import { useLazyHydration, useHydrateWhenIdle } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration';
// delays hydration
const { willPerformHydration, hydrate, onCleanup } = useLazyHydration();
// hydrate when browser is idle
// or when the timeout of 4000ms has elapsed
// and the component has not already been hydrated
useHydrateWhenIdle({ willPerformHydration, hydrate, onCleanup }, 4000);
<script setup>
import { useLazyHydration, useHydrateWhenVisible } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration';
// delays hydration
const { willPerformHydration, hydrate, onCleanup } = useLazyHydration();
const observerOptions = {
rootMargin: '0px',
threshold: 1.0,
// hydrate when one of the root elements is visible
{ willPerformHydration, hydrate, onCleanup },
<script setup>
import { useLazyHydration, useHydrateOnInteraction } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration';
// delays hydration
const { willPerformHydration, hydrate, onCleanup } = useLazyHydration();
// hydrate when one of the elements triggers a focus or click event
useHydrateOnInteraction({ willPerformHydration, hydrate, onCleanup }, ['focus' 'click']);
<script setup>
import { toRef } from 'vue';
import {
} from 'vue3-lazy-hydration';
const props = defineProps({
triggerHydration: {
default: undefined,
type: [Boolean, Object],
// delays hydration
const result = useLazyHydration();
// trigger hydration when the triggerHydration property changes to true
useHydrateWhenTriggered(result, toRef(props, 'triggerHydration'));
Wrap a component in a renderless component that will never be hydrated.
<script setup>
import { resolveComponent } from 'vue';
import { hydrateNever } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration';
// wrap a globally registered component resolved by its name
const NeverHydratedComp = hydrateNever(resolveComponent('ComponentA'));
// wrap an asynchronously loaded component
const NeverHydratedAsyncComp = hydrateNever(() => import('./ComponentB.vue'));
<NeverHydratedComp />
<NeverHydratedAsyncComp />
Wrap a component in a renderless component that will be hydrated when browser is idle.
<script setup>
import { resolveComponent } from 'vue';
import { hydrateWhenIdle } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration';
// wrap a globally registered component resolved by its name
const LazilyHydratedComp = hydrateWhenIdle(
// wrap an asynchronously loaded component
const LazilyHydratedAsyncComp = hydrateWhenIdle(
() => import('./ComponentB.vue'),
<LazilyHydratedComp />
<LazilyHydratedAsyncComp />
Wrap a component in a renderless component that will be hydrated when one of the root elements is visible.
<script setup>
import { resolveComponent } from 'vue';
import { hydrateWhenVisible } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration';
// wrap a globally registered component resolved by its name
const LazilyHydratedComp = hydrateWhenVisible(
{ rootMargin: '50px' }
// wrap an asynchronously loaded component
const LazilyHydratedAsyncComp = hydrateWhenVisible(
() => import('./ComponentB.vue'),
threshold: [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1],
<LazilyHydratedComp />
<LazilyHydratedAsyncComp />
Wrap a component in a renderless component that will be hydrated when one of the elements trigger one of the events in the events
<script setup>
import { resolveComponent } from 'vue';
import { hydrateOnInteraction } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration';
// wrap a globally registered component resolved by its name
const LazilyHydratedComp = hydrateOnInteraction(
// wrap an asynchronously loaded component
const LazilyHydratedAsyncComp = hydrateOnInteraction(
() => import('./ComponentB.vue'),
['focus', 'click', 'touchstart']
<LazilyHydratedComp />
<LazilyHydratedAsyncComp />
Wrap a component in a renderless component that will be hydrated when the trigger
parameter changes to true.
<script setup>
import { ref, resolveComponent } from 'vue';
import { hydrateWhenTriggered } from 'vue3-lazy-hydration';
const hydrationTriggered = ref(false);
// wrap a globally registered component resolved by its name
const LazilyHydratedComp = hydrateWhenTriggered(
// wrap an asynchronously loaded component
const LazilyHydratedAsyncComp = hydrateWhenTriggered(
() => import('./ComponentB.vue'),
function triggerHydration() => {
hydrationTriggered.value = true
<button @click="triggerHydration">Trigger</button>
<LazilyHydratedComp />
<LazilyHydratedAsyncComp />
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update unit tests as appropriate.
Use the pnpm package manager to install vue3-lazy-hydration.
Clone the repository
git clone cd vue3-lazy-hydration
Install dependencies
pnpm i
Start the development server which hosts a demo application to help develop the library
pnpm dev
Many thanks to Markus Oberlehner, the author of the package vue-lazy-hydration.