bash2cpp converts simple bash scripts to c++ code. It requires c++17 for file IO and expects c++ code to run in Linux. Code also uses boost::format for printf format specifier conversion. Though, with some effort Linux dependency can be removed but this is not in radar at this moment.
Reasons why you may want to try bash2cpp are:
- Faster execution time by using native binary as opposed to shell script.
- Code obfiscuation to prevent modification.
bash2cpp is not a complete translator but does a good job for simple scripts.
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test sudo apt update sudo apt install gcc-9 g++-9 sudo update-alternatives \ --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-9 100 \ --slave /usr/bin/gcc-ar gcc-ar /usr/bin/gcc-ar-9 \ --slave /usr/bin/gcc-ranlib gcc-ranlib /usr/bin/gcc-ranlib-9 \ --slave /usr/bin/gcov gcov /usr/bin/gcov-9 sudo update-alternatives \ --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-9 100
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
- git clone
- cd bash-parser
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
- npm install --save-dev
- npm run build
- mkdir -p gen
- node app.js gen/test.cpp
- optional (beautify code)
- astyle -q -n gen/%test.cpp
- if you have WSL
- wsl g++ gen/test.cpp -o gen/test -lpcre -std=c++17 -g
- if you are on linux
- g++ gen/test.cpp -o gen/test -lpcre -std=c++17 -g
- Size and speed optimization
- g++ gen/test.cpp -o gen/test -lpcre -std=c++17 -O3 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -flto -g
test bash native c++ delta ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gen/for8 0.00696563720703125 0.007452487945556641 6.532727621728838 gen/if10 0.00515294075012207 0.004492282867431641 -14.70650674026112 gen/local 0.006060123443603516 0.004212141036987305 -43.87275711779023 gen/default0 0.007678508758544922 0.005669355392456055 -35.438832583371884 gen/functions3 0.005850553512573242 0.004854679107666016 -20.513701993910225 gen/array0 0.006394386291503906 0.004038572311401367 -58.332841371981814 gen/array 0.006585597991943359 0.004456758499145508 -47.76654362595624 gen/for7 0.007401227951049805 0.005717277526855469 -29.45371142618849 gen/for5 0.007921695709228516 0.006716728210449219 -17.939798381371574 gen/for4 0.007215738296508789 0.0057315826416015625 -25.89434276206323 gen/echo4 0.006974697113037109 0.0045092105865478516 -54.67667741764924 gen/showsize 0.017104625701904297 0.010923147201538086 -56.5906362545018 gen/upper 0.006481170654296875 0.008647441864013672 25.05100634132892 gen/echo3 0.007898569107055664 0.00489497184753418 -61.360868929910865 gen/lower0 0.006561279296875 0.00459742546081543 -42.71638230565783 gen/upper0 0.007020711898803711 0.0052280426025390625 -34.2894928858081 gen/echo2 0.005777120590209961 0.004124164581298828 -40.07977800901838 gen/special 0.006903886795043945 0.0061266422271728516 -12.686305794450714 gen/functions1 0.010600566864013672 0.005499362945556641 -92.75990635567501 tests/ 1 2 3 0.006421566009521484 0.006428956985473633 0.11496384201743 tests/ 1 0.005584239959716797 0.004723072052001953 -18.233215547703182 gen/arguments 0.007460594177246094 0.006247282028198242 -19.42144029309621 gen/for2 0.008064746856689453 0.005383014678955078 -49.81840729914076 gen/tildaexpansion 0.007880449295043945 0.004729509353637695 -66.62297726470736 gen/echo1 0.007907390594482422 0.00601649284362793 -31.428571428571427 gen/redirection0 0.032849788665771484 0.02049565315246582 -60.276856860350144 gen/while0 0.015790462493896484 0.009736776351928711 -62.17341266926223 gen/for0 0.0326693058013916 0.02129340171813965 -53.424550167392596 gen/braceexpansion 0.007658243179321289 0.005018949508666992 -52.586575459598116 gen/redirection 0.05733919143676758 0.038558006286621094 -48.70891147881576 gen/pipeline 0.027769088745117188 0.027825117111206055 0.20135895875997156 gen/hostname0 0.010652780532836914 0.008131980895996094 -30.99859270552363 gen/if9 0.010847091674804688 0.008524656295776367 -27.243742133967277 gen/redirect 0.047963857650756836 0.039482831954956055 -21.480287192864864 gen/while0 0.00813913345336914 0.007466793060302734 -9.004406411648253 gen/if3 0.009643316268920898 0.004790306091308594 -101.30897869798925 gen/if0 0.0068531036376953125 0.006569385528564453 -4.318792189881687 gen/arithmetic 0.015211105346679688 0.013452291488647461 -13.07445545256367 gen/while 0.012174367904663086 0.009581327438354492 -27.063478239231593 gen/if8 0.008812904357910156 0.00737762451171875 -19.454498448810757 gen/parameterexpansion 0.0075032711029052734 0.0065996646881103516 -13.691701889382609 gen/var1 0.03267669677734375 0.013646364212036133 -139.45350035815994 gen/var0 0.009110450744628906 0.006860971450805664 -32.786600410049694 gen/until 0.006417751312255859 0.004626750946044922 -38.70967741935484 gen/conditionals 0.008281469345092773 0.007395267486572266 -11.9833644980334 gen/stringconcat 0.011516094207763672 0.007983922958374023 -44.24104876519246 gen/if6 0.013627767562866211 0.009176015853881836 -48.51508301504404 gen/if5 0.007302045822143555 0.0069348812103271484 -5.294461443256438 gen/if4 0.005690336227416992 0.005149364471435547 -10.50560237058987 gen/if2 0.03353404998779297 0.014903545379638672 -125.00719884818429 gen/if1 0.008652687072753906 0.006560087203979492 -31.89896420134472
- wsl ./
If something doesn't work, simplify your shell script and convert one at a time. Review missing functionality list.
- echo -e missing
- while loop read from #9 file descriptor
- exec descriptor handling
- handle :exit 0
- exec 0>&1
- dropping TIMESTAMP variables
- functions: parameter expansion inside awk string does not work
- if [[ ( $username == "admin" && $password == "secret" ) ]] does not work
- if [ -z ${VAR+x} ];
- dmesg -s 131072 > gen/dmesg doesn't work
- echo {A..Z}{0..9} does not work
- echo 1.{1..9}
- str+=", " doesn't work
- doesn't handle special characters well
- has problems with cat << EOF .. EOF
- regex string match in does not work
- supports only 11 arguments
- partial read support
- echo -n is assumed to be the first three characters