#Composer integration for Sublime Text 2 & 3
ST3 support is still beta, please report issues
With this plugin you can manage your dependencies with composer
Currently the following features are supported:
- Execute composer install
- Execute composer update
- Execute composer self-update
- Execute composer dump-autoload
- Package management:
- Add package
- Remove package
- Edit composer.json file
- Validate a composer.json file
First install Package Control if you haven't done so yet.
Then go to Preferences -> Package Control -> Install Package and type composer to install this plugin.
This is the recommended installation method.
Go to your sublime package folder and type:
git clone git@github.com:francodacosta/composer-sublime.git
##Running Composer Just open the command prompt (ctrl + shifp + p) and type composer, context menus are also provided
##Features Help ###Composer install executes the composer install command, with the default settings the following command will be executed
composer.phar install -n -v
###Composer update executes the composer update command, with the default settings the following command will be executed
composer.phar update -n -v
###Composer self update executes the composer self update command, updating the composer binary to the latest version. With the default settings the following command will be executed
composer.phar self-update -n -v
###Composer dump autoload executes the composer dump autoload command to regenerate the autloader configuration With the default settings the following command will be executed
composer.phar dump-autoload -n -v
###Composer validade executes the composer validate command With the default settings the following command will be executed
composer.phar validate -n -v
###Composer Add Package You can add a package to the required package list.
When you execute this command a prompt is presented (in the bottom of the screen) allowing you to specify the package name and version contraints
The syntax for adding a package is as follows:
package name : version
if you do not specify a version the default will be *
###Composer Remove Package Removes a package from the required packages section in composer.json
When you select this option a list of required packages will pop up, you only need to select the package to be removed
Note: this just removes the reference from composer.json_ it will not remove any files
###Edit composer.json file this option will open a new window pointing to the composer.json file
##Configuration Options
- show_status: show messages in the status bar
- show_output: opens an output window and shows composer working
- composer_command: Path to composer.phar file
- composer_install_extra: extra arguments to pass to the install command
- composer_update_extra: extra arguments to pass to the update command
- composer_dumpautoload_extra: extra arguments to pass to the dump-autoload command
- composer_selfupdate_extra: extra arguments to pass to the self-update command
##How is composer.json found? The plugin tries to locate the composer.json file. It starts at the same folder of the file beeing edited and goes all the way up to the root folder. If you do not specify the composer_command option the default is to look for composer.phar on the same folder where composer.json was found