A simple command to open a markdown locally using your favorite browser
As previously stated, mad is an easy command to view a markdown file using your browser. The script uses pandoc to convert the markdown file in an html file, stores it in a temporary folder and opens it using a previously selected browser (the default is set to firefox). The mad script also allows you to open multiple files in the same browser instance while keeping track of each file opened.
Well, in principle you should not. Expecially if you are an IDE user, you might never have the need for such a tool. But in the remote chance you are a "command line" type of guy, this might actually come in handy.
Imagine you are browsing a git repository you found on the development platform you are currently using at work. Chances are you dont have many tool insisting on said platform; chances are you are using vim/less or whatever built-in tool to just inspect whichever type of file you find. In this case, mad is the script that you were looking for.
Izipizi: in your command line simply type
mad <filename>
and the script will convert your markdown file in an html file, eventually opening it.
As I'm writing this README.md file using vim, I'm using mad to check the file's layout. And, as a small plus, being into vim I can easly run it by using the following command
:!mad <filename>
First of all, install pandoc: this can be achieved in a number of ways. You can find a thorough guide on how to install it here.
Then clone this repo in your installing folder and enter the repo by typing:
cd <my-install-folder>
git clone git@github.com:franava/mad.git
cd mad
Inside this folder, along with this README.md and a LICENSE file, you'll find the raw markdown script and an install script. Run the install script using sudo:
sudo ./installer.sh
And, as easy as this, mad will be installed; during the install process you will be asked your browser of election [if the process fails, the default will be 'firefox']. To check if the installation has gone as expected, simply run:
mad README.md
in the mad folder. Please note that after running the install.sh script, the folder state will be as following:
|___ mad
|___ mad_installation
Easy as pie: just run the command:
sudo ./installer.sh -u
and just like this you'll get rid of it
Well, kind of. This is what the script was originally written for. But given the fact that pandocs provides a huge amount of functionalities, this is just the first step.
How will this repo progress? I have no idea
What will the next feature be? That's a nice question. I don't have an answere, but is indeed a nice question
Am I allowed to progress with it? Please, be my guest. And in the meanwhile keep me posted