A collaborative space where participants assume specialized creator roles to collectively generate config-driven art across multiple integrated domains.
The unified environment combines three previously separate project concepts:
- Parametric Garden (organic/biological elements)
- Resonance Field (audio-visual/harmonic elements)
- Architecture of Light (structural/spatial elements)
These now function as interconnected aspects of a single evolving ecosystem.
1. CULTIVATOR (Parametric Garden Focus)
- Controls growth algorithms and organic patterns
- Configures evolutionary parameters for living elements
- Tools: Seed Editor, Growth Pattern Designer, Ecosystem Balancer
- Parameters managed: fractal growth patterns, biological simulations,
botanical color schemes
2. HARMONIST (Resonance Field Focus)
- Shapes the sonic landscape and visual frequencies
- Creates mathematical relationships between sound and light
- Tools: Waveform Synthesizer, Harmonic Matrix, Rhythm Constructor
- Parameters managed: sound generation, frequency relationships,
audio-reactive visualizations, temporal patterns
3. ARCHITECT (Architecture of Light Focus)
- Constructs spatial frameworks and geometric foundations
- Defines physical laws and dimensional relationships
- Tools: Structure Builder, Ray Definer, Material Properties Lab
- Parameters managed: spatial geometry, light behavior,
physical properties, navigational pathways, parallax and depth perception
- Users select a role upon entering (or are assigned based on balance needs)
- Role switching allowed after creation milestones or timed intervals
- Special "Synthesis" events where roles temporarily merge
- Changes by one role affect the parameters available to others
- Example: Architect creates a structure that Cultivator can grow plants on,
while Harmonist creates sounds that influence growth patterns
- All changes persist as layered configuration files
- New participants can build upon established parameter sets
- Historical configurations can be forked or merged
- Cultivators see the world through "organic lens" highlighting growth potential
- Harmonists perceive visual representations of sound waves and frequencies
- Architects see structural frameworks and dimensional possibilities