Patch termsrv.dll so that multiple remote users can open an RDP session on a non-Windows Server computer
This work is based on the patch-termsrv.dll project by Rene Nyffenegger
How to Allow Multiple RDP Sessions in Windows 10 and 11?
Multiple RDP (Remote Desktop) sessions in Windows 10
Requires PowerShell 5.1 or higher
Download and install Windows PowerShell 5.1
Download TermsrvPatcher.ps1 file and place it in any folder e.g.
Go to the folder your script is in
PowerShell Cmdlet
Set-Location -Path C:\Users\YourUserName\Downloads
CMD syntax
cd c:\Users\YourUserName\Downloads
Run the script
Or... Right click on TermsrvPacther.ps1, select 'Run with PowerShell' and enjoy :-)
- Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-bit
- Windows 10 and Windows 11