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fix(anvil): clean up eth_estimateGas (#7515)
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* fix(anvil): clean up eth_estimateGas

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klkvr authored Mar 28, 2024
1 parent 345d000 commit 617dfc2
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 141 deletions.
229 changes: 88 additions & 141 deletions crates/anvil/src/eth/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use super::{
backend::mem::{state, BlockRequest},
backend::mem::{state, BlockRequest, State},
use crate::{
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2214,10 +2214,10 @@ impl EthApi {
// configured gas limit
let mut highest_gas_limit = request.gas.unwrap_or(block_env.gas_limit);

// check with the funds of the sender
if let Some(from) = request.from {
let gas_price = fees.gas_price.unwrap_or_default();
if gas_price > U256::ZERO {
let gas_price = fees.gas_price.unwrap_or_default();
// If we have non-zero gas price, cap gas limit by sender balance
if !gas_price.is_zero() {
if let Some(from) = request.from {
let mut available_funds = self.backend.get_balance_with_state(&state, from)?;
if let Some(value) = request.value {
if value > available_funds {
Expand All @@ -2228,86 +2228,42 @@ impl EthApi {
// amount of gas the sender can afford with the `gas_price`
let allowance = available_funds.checked_div(gas_price).unwrap_or_default();
if highest_gas_limit > allowance {
trace!(target: "node", "eth_estimateGas capped by limited user funds");
highest_gas_limit = allowance;
highest_gas_limit = std::cmp::min(highest_gas_limit, allowance);

// if the provided gas limit is less than computed cap, use that
let gas_limit = std::cmp::min(request.gas.unwrap_or(highest_gas_limit), highest_gas_limit);
let mut call_to_estimate = request.clone();
call_to_estimate.gas = Some(gas_limit);
call_to_estimate.gas = Some(highest_gas_limit);

// execute the call without writing to db
let ethres =
self.backend.call_with_state(&state, call_to_estimate, fees.clone(), block_env.clone());

// Exceptional case: init used too much gas, we need to increase the gas limit and try
// again
if let Err(BlockchainError::InvalidTransaction(InvalidTransactionError::GasTooHigh(_))) =
// if price or limit was included in the request then we can execute the request
// again with the block's gas limit to check if revert is gas related or not
if request.gas.is_some() || request.gas_price.is_some() {
return Err(map_out_of_gas_err(
let gas_used = match ethres.try_into()? {
GasEstimationCallResult::Success(gas) => Ok(U256::from(gas)),
GasEstimationCallResult::OutOfGas => {

let (exit, out, gas, _) = ethres?;
match exit {
return_ok!() => {
// succeeded
InstructionResult::OutOfGas | InstructionResult::OutOfFunds => {
return Err(InvalidTransactionError::BasicOutOfGas(gas_limit).into())
// need to check if the revert was due to lack of gas or unrelated reason
// we're also checking for InvalidFEOpcode here because this can be used to trigger an error <> common usage in openzeppelin <>
return_revert!() | InstructionResult::InvalidFEOpcode => {
// if price or limit was included in the request then we can execute the request
// again with the max gas limit to check if revert is gas related or not
return if request.gas.is_some() || request.gas_price.is_some() {
} else {
// the transaction did fail due to lack of gas from the user
GasEstimationCallResult::Revert(output) => {
reason => {
warn!(target: "node", "estimation failed due to {:?}", reason);
return Err(BlockchainError::EvmError(reason));
GasEstimationCallResult::EvmError(err) => {
warn!(target: "node", "estimation failed due to {:?}", err);

// at this point we know the call succeeded but want to find the _best_ (lowest) gas the
// transaction succeeds with. we find this by doing a binary search over the
// possible range NOTE: this is the gas the transaction used, which is less than the
// transaction requires to succeed
let gas: U256 = U256::from(gas);

// Get the starting lowest gas needed depending on the transaction kind.
let mut lowest_gas_limit = determine_base_gas_by_kind(&request);

// pick a point that's close to the estimated gas
let mut mid_gas_limit = std::cmp::min(
gas * U256::from(3),
gas_used * U256::from(3),
(highest_gas_limit + lowest_gas_limit) / U256::from(2),

Expand All @@ -2321,52 +2277,25 @@ impl EthApi {

// Exceptional case: init used too much gas, we need to increase the gas limit and try
// again
if let Err(BlockchainError::InvalidTransaction(InvalidTransactionError::GasTooHigh(
))) = ethres
// increase the lowest gas limit
lowest_gas_limit = mid_gas_limit;

// new midpoint
mid_gas_limit = (highest_gas_limit + lowest_gas_limit) / U256::from(2);

match ethres {
Ok((exit, _, _gas, _)) => match exit {
match ethres.try_into()? {
GasEstimationCallResult::Success(_) => {
// If the transaction succeeded, we can set a ceiling for the highest gas limit
// at the current midpoint, as spending any more gas would
// make no sense (as the TX would still succeed).
return_ok!() => {
highest_gas_limit = mid_gas_limit;
// If the transaction failed due to lack of gas, we can set a floor for the
// lowest gas limit at the current midpoint, as spending any
// less gas would make no sense (as the TX would still revert due to lack of
// gas).
InstructionResult::Revert |
InstructionResult::OutOfGas |
InstructionResult::OutOfFunds |
// we're also checking for InvalidFEOpcode here because this can be used to trigger an error <> common usage in openzeppelin <>
InstructionResult::InvalidFEOpcode => {
lowest_gas_limit = mid_gas_limit;
// The tx failed for some other reason.
reason => {
warn!(target: "node", "estimation failed due to {:?}", reason);
return Err(BlockchainError::EvmError(reason))
// We've already checked for the exceptional GasTooHigh case above, so this is a
// real error.
Err(reason) => {
warn!(target: "node", "estimation failed due to {:?}", reason);
return Err(reason);
highest_gas_limit = mid_gas_limit;
GasEstimationCallResult::OutOfGas |
GasEstimationCallResult::Revert(_) |
GasEstimationCallResult::EvmError(_) => {
// If the transaction failed, we can set a floor for the lowest gas limit at the
// current midpoint, as spending any less gas would make no
// sense (as the TX would still revert due to lack of gas).
// We don't care about the reason here, as we known that trasaction is correct
// as it succeeded earlier
lowest_gas_limit = mid_gas_limit;
// new midpoint
mid_gas_limit = (highest_gas_limit + lowest_gas_limit) / U256::from(2);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2631,42 +2560,6 @@ fn ensure_return_ok(exit: InstructionResult, out: &Option<Output>) -> Result<Byt

/// Executes the requests again after an out of gas error to check if the error is gas related or
/// not
fn map_out_of_gas_err<D>(
mut request: TransactionRequest,
state: D,
backend: Arc<backend::mem::Backend>,
block_env: BlockEnv,
fees: FeeDetails,
gas_limit: U256,
) -> BlockchainError
D: DatabaseRef<Error = DatabaseError>,
request.gas = Some(backend.gas_limit());
let (exit, out, _, _) = match backend.call_with_state(&state, request, fees, block_env) {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(err) => return err,
match exit {
return_ok!() => {
// transaction succeeded by manually increasing the gas limit to
// highest, which means the caller lacks funds to pay for the tx
return_revert!() => {
// reverted again after bumping the limit
reason => {
warn!(target: "node", "estimation failed due to {:?}", reason);

/// Determines the minimum gas needed for a transaction depending on the transaction kind.
fn determine_base_gas_by_kind(request: &TransactionRequest) -> U256 {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2698,3 +2591,57 @@ fn determine_base_gas_by_kind(request: &TransactionRequest) -> U256 {

/// Keeps result of a call to revm EVM used for gas estimation
enum GasEstimationCallResult {

/// Converts the result of a call to revm EVM into a [GasEstimationCallRes].
impl TryFrom<Result<(InstructionResult, Option<Output>, u64, State)>> for GasEstimationCallResult {
type Error = BlockchainError;

fn try_from(res: Result<(InstructionResult, Option<Output>, u64, State)>) -> Result<Self> {
match res {
// Exceptional case: init used too much gas, treated as out of gas error
Err(BlockchainError::InvalidTransaction(InvalidTransactionError::GasTooHigh(_))) => {
Err(err) => Err(err),
Ok((exit, output, gas, _)) => match exit {
return_ok!() | InstructionResult::CallOrCreate => Ok(Self::Success(gas)),

InstructionResult::Revert => Ok(Self::Revert(|o| o.into_data()))),

InstructionResult::OutOfGas |
InstructionResult::MemoryOOG |
InstructionResult::MemoryLimitOOG |
InstructionResult::PrecompileOOG |
InstructionResult::InvalidOperandOOG => Ok(Self::OutOfGas),

InstructionResult::OpcodeNotFound |
InstructionResult::CallNotAllowedInsideStatic |
InstructionResult::StateChangeDuringStaticCall |
InstructionResult::InvalidFEOpcode |
InstructionResult::InvalidJump |
InstructionResult::NotActivated |
InstructionResult::StackUnderflow |
InstructionResult::StackOverflow |
InstructionResult::OutOfOffset |
InstructionResult::CreateCollision |
InstructionResult::OverflowPayment |
InstructionResult::PrecompileError |
InstructionResult::NonceOverflow |
InstructionResult::CreateContractSizeLimit |
InstructionResult::CreateContractStartingWithEF |
InstructionResult::CreateInitCodeSizeLimit |
InstructionResult::FatalExternalError |
InstructionResult::OutOfFunds |
InstructionResult::CallTooDeep => Ok(Self::EvmError(exit)),

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