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HaplotypeCaller should emit gVCF. We'll then use GenotypeGVCFs to gen…
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…otype prior to VQSR, and will recalculate some missing annotations.
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fnothaft committed Feb 25, 2016
1 parent 796deb5 commit 52b401e
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 7 deletions.
67 changes: 60 additions & 7 deletions src/toil_scripts/gatk_germline/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -314,8 +314,8 @@ def index(job, shared_ids, input_args):

def haplotype_caller(job, shared_ids, input_args):
Uses GATK HaplotypeCaller to identify SNPs and Indels.
Calls variant quality score recalibration functions.
Uses GATK HaplotypeCaller to identify SNPs and Indels and writes a gVCF.
Calls per-sample genotyper to genotype gVCF.
:param job: Job instance
:param shared_ids: dictionary of shared file promises
Expand All @@ -324,29 +324,82 @@ def haplotype_caller(job, shared_ids, input_args):
work_dir = job.fileStore.getLocalTempDir()
input_files = ['ref.fa', 'ref.fa.fai', 'ref.dict', 'toil.bam', 'toil.bam.bai']
read_from_filestore_hc(job, work_dir, shared_ids, *input_files)
output = 'unified.raw.BOTH.gatk.vcf'
output = '%s.raw.BOTH%s.gvcf' % (input_args['uuid'],

# Call GATK -- HaplotypeCaller
command = ['-nct', input_args['cpu_count'],
'-R', 'ref.fa',
'-T', 'HaplotypeCaller',
'--genotyping_mode', 'Discovery',
'--output_mode', 'EMIT_VARIANTS_ONLY',
'--emitRefConfidence', 'GVCF',
'-I', 'toil.bam',
'-o', 'unified.raw.BOTH.gatk.vcf',
'-o', output,
'-variant_index_type', 'LINEAR',
'-variant_index_parameter', '128000',
'--annotation', 'QualByDepth',
'--annotation', 'DepthPerSampleHC',
'--annotation', 'FisherStrand',
'--annotation', 'ReadPosRankSumTest']
docker_call(work_dir = work_dir,
tool_parameters = command,
tool = '',
sudo = input_args['sudo'])
sys.stderr.write("Running haplotype caller with %s in %s failed." % (
" ".join(command), work_dir))

# Update fileStore and spawn child job
shared_ids[output] = job.fileStore.writeGlobalFile(os.path.join(work_dir, output))

# upload gvcf
upload_or_move_hc(work_dir, input_args, output)

# call variants prior to vqsr
job.addChildJobFn(genotype_gvcf, shared_ids, input_args)

def genotype_gvcf(job, shared_ids, input_args):
Genotypes the gVCF generated by the HaplotypeCaller.
Calls variant quality score recalibration functions.
:param job: Job instance
:param shared_ids: dictionary of shared file promises
:param input_args: dictionary of input arguments

work_dir = job.fileStore.getLocalTempDir()
input_files = ['%s.raw.BOTH%s.gvcf' % (input_args['uuid'],
'ref.fa', 'ref.fa.fai', 'ref.dict']
read_from_filestore_hc(job, work_dir, shared_ids, *input_files)
output = 'unified.raw.BOTH.gatk.vcf'

command = ['-nt', input_args['cpu_count'],
'-R', 'ref.fa',
'-T', 'GenotypeGVCFs',
'--variant', '%s.raw.BOTH.gatk.gvcf' % input_args['uuid'],
'--out', output,
'-stand_emit_conf', '10.0',
'-stand_call_conf', '30.0']

docker_call(work_dir = work_dir,
tool_parameters = command,
tool = '',
sudo = input_args['sudo'])
sys.stderr.write("Running haplotype caller with %s in %s failed." % (
sys.stderr.write("Running GenotypeGVCFs with %s in %s failed." % (
" ".join(command), work_dir))

# Update fileStore and spawn child job
shared_ids['unified.raw.BOTH.gatk.vcf'] = job.fileStore.writeGlobalFile(os.path.join(work_dir, output))
shared_ids[output] = job.fileStore.writeGlobalFile(os.path.join(work_dir, output))

# run vqsr
job.addChildJobFn(vqsr_snp, shared_ids, input_args)
job.addChildJobFn(vqsr_indel, shared_ids, input_args)

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