A minimal hook for TaskWarrior to help tracking time with hamster-cli
- Taskwarrior (>= 2.4)
(>= 2.91.3) (hamster
in fedora)- python (>= 3.3)
- Copy or link on-modify.hamster into $HOME/.task/hooks/
- Make sure it is executable
Start and stop tasks using the usual commands in Taskwarrior.
If a "start" is detected, hook will call "hamster-cli start [Task description]@[project], #[TAG1],#[TAG2] "
If a "stop" is detected, hook will call "hamster-cli stop" (effectively stopping any task currently active in hamster).
The '#' and '@' characters within any field (description, project, tags) are replaced by '_' in order to avoid incorrect parsing.