pcap flow generation utility
generate ranodmized pcap data based on netflow topology. e.g. this generates X number of unique 5 tupple IPv4 TCP/UDP flows.
Primary usage for load testing capture and analytics systems
PCAP Flow Packet Generator : FMADIO 10G 40G 100G Packet Capture : http://www.fmad.io
-v : verbose output
--pktcnt <total packts> : total number of packets to output
--flowcnt <total flows> : total number of flows
--pktsize <packet size> : size of each packet
--pktslice <packet slice amount> : packet slicing amount (default 0)
--bps <bits output rate> : output generation rate (e.g. 1e9 = 1Gbps)
Generate PCAP from histogram example:
./pcap_genflow --histogram <path>/histograms.bin > test.pcap
Convert binary histogram to text histogram example:
./pcap_genflow --histogram-bin2txt <path>/histograms.bin > test.txt