This is the software repository for the PiCon One Controller based on a Raspberry Pi Zero W. The hardware repository is located at
- Setup log
- Test Code: src/rtc-ds3231/test-ds3231.c
pi@rpi0w:~ $ cd picon-one-sw/src/rtc-ds3231/
pi@rpi0w:~/picon-one-sw/src/rtc-ds3231 $ make
gcc -Wall -g -O1 test-ds3231.c -o test-ds3231
pi@rpi0w:~/picon-one-sw/src/rtc-ds3231 $ ./test-ds3231
DS3231 DATE: Tuesday 2020-06-02 TIME: 00:36:16
- Setup: The 7-segment display examples require the WiringPi library:
pi@rpi0w:~/picon-one-sw $ sudo apt-get install wiringpi
- Test Code: src/rtc-7seg-tm1640
The test code is based on the TM1640 userspace driver written by Michael Farell, with thanks and full credits. The original driver code is located in, and licensed under GPLv3.
I modified the code for supporting the two 4-digit modules with a total of 8-digits, adding function to support the extra colon and degree LED segments, and confirming signal generation with an oscilloscope.
pi@rpi0w:~/picon-one-sw/src/7seg-tm1640 $ make
gcc -Wall -g -O1 -c -o tm1640.o tm1640.c
gcc -Wall -g -O1 -c -o tm1640-ctl.o tm1640-ctl.c
gcc tm1640.o tm1640-ctl.o -o tm1640-ctl -lwiringPi -lm
gcc -Wall -g -O1 -c -o timetest.o timetest.c
gcc tm1640.o timetest.o -o timetest -lwiringPi -lm
gcc -Wall -g -O1 -c -o stopwatch.o stopwatch.c
gcc tm1640.o stopwatch.o -o stopwatch -lwiringPi -lm
gcc -Wall -g -O1 -c -o temptime.o temptime.c
gcc tm1640.o temptime.o -o temptime -lwiringPi -lm
- timetest
This program shows the current time on all eight digits: hour, min, seconds, and two-digit sub-seconds. It demonstrates the responsiveness of apps under RPi Linux.
- temptime
This program shows the current time in HH:MM on the first (left) display, and the CPU temperature on the second (right) display. This program is helpful to monitor how the controller heat develops inside the case when the protective lid is closed.
- stopwatch
This program implements a simple stopwatch, showing the elapsed time over all eight digits. It is controlled by three push-buttons: "Mode" starts or restarts the clock, "Enter" stops the clock, and "Up" resets the clock to zero.
- tm1640-ctl
This is the display control program from the original driver, with an added -ctl.
pi@rpi0w:~/picon-zero/src/7seg-tm1640$ ./tm1640-ctl
TM1640 display tool
tm1640-ctl on <0..7> : Turn on and set brightness. 1 (lowest)..7 (highest)
tm1640-ctl off : Turn off display, preserving data.
tm1640-ctl clear : Clear display.
tm1640-ctl write <num>: Write digits to display, up to 8 digits.
- Setup log
- Test Code: src/tft-hx8357d
The test programs require libjpeg:
pi@rpi0w:~/picon-one-sw/src/tft-hx8357d $ sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev
Need to get 236 kB of archives.
After this operation, 543 kB of additional disk space will be used.
- tft-stopwatch
This program implements a simple stopwatch on the TFT screen. It is controlled by three push-buttons: "Mode" starts or restarts the clock, "Enter" stops the clock, and "Up" resets the clock to zero.
- tft-tempgraph
This program measures the CPU temperature in 500ms intervals, and creates a history graph over the past 6 minutes. This is useful to see CPU load impact on heat generation.
- Setup
pi@rpi0w:~ $ sudo vi /boot/config.txt
- Test Code: src/uart-sc16is752
pi@rpi0w:~/picon-one-sw/src/uart-sc16is752 $ make
gcc -O1 -Wall -g -c -o uart-send.o uart-send.c
gcc -O1 -Wall -g -c -o serial.o serial.c
gcc -O1 -Wall -g -o uart-send uart-send.o serial.o
gcc -O1 -Wall -g -c -o uart-receive.o uart-receive.c
gcc -O1 -Wall -g -o uart-receive uart-receive.o serial.o
Cross-connect pinheader contacts on J2: RX1 --> TX2, and TX1 --> RX2
Open two terminals. Terminal-1:
pi@rpi0w:~/picon-one-sw/src/uart-sc16is752 $ ./uart-receive
/dev/ttySC1 [115200] receive: !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS
pi@rpi0w:~/picon-one-sw/src/uart-sc16is752 $ ./uart-send
/dev/ttySC0 [115200] send: !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV
pi@rpi0w:~/picon-one-sw/src/xbee-module $ ./xbee-term /dev/ttySC1
Simple XBee Terminal
CTRL-X to EXIT, CTRL-K toggles break, CTRL-R toggles RTS, TAB changes bps.
[115200 bps][set RTS][CTS cleared]
MIT License
Other license forms for derivative work may apply, as as listed from original authors.