If you're completely new to Jekyll, I recommend checking out the documentation at http://jekyllrb.com or there's a tutorial by Smashing Magazine.
Install jekyll and project dependency manager, bundle.
$ gem install jekyll bundle
Then install the project dependency
$ bundle install
To run blog on local run
jekyll serve
npm install -g jekyll-cli
jkl post 'Test To Create A Post'
Fork the repo, and then clone it so you've got the code locally.
The _config.yml
located in the root of the Pixyll directory contains all of the configuration details
for the Jekyll site. The defaults are:
# Site settings
title: Pixyll
email: your_email@example.com
author: John Otander
description: "A simple, beautiful theme for Jekyll that emphasizes content rather than aesthetic fluff."
baseurl: ""
url: "http://pixyll.com"
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
permalink: pretty
paginate: 3
Then, start the Jekyll Server. I always like to give the --watch
option so it updates the generated HTML when I make changes.
$ jekyll serve --watch
Now you can navigate to localhost:4000
in your browser to see the site.
You can host your Jekyll site for free with Github Pages. Click here for more information.
In addition to your github-username.github.io repo that maps to the root url, you can serve up sites by using a gh-pages branch for other repos so they're available at github-username.github.io/repo-name.
This will require you to modify the _config.yml
like so:
# Site settings
title: Repo Name
email: your_email@example.com
author: John Otander
description: "Repo description"
baseurl: "/repo-name"
url: "http://github-username.github.io"
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
permalink: pretty
paginate: 3
This will ensure that the the correct relative path is constructed for your assets and posts. Also, in order to run the project locally, you will need to specify the blank string for the baseurl: $ jekyll serve --baseurl ''
If you'd like to keep the contact form, which uses http://formtoemail.com/, you need register a free account with limit 100 forms/month. When you get the html from it, you need replace the hidden fields user_id and form_id in contact form.
If you would like to add a fade-in-down effect, you can add animated: true
to your _config.yml
If you would like to use google anlytics, register an account on http://www.google.com/analytics/, then get your code and replace the google_analytics value in _config.xml
If you would like to use comments for each post, you can register an account on https://disqus.com/ and get your shortname, then replace the value disqus_shortname
in _config.xml
- https://mandrillapp.com/api/docs/ use this to send email from contact without third party limit service.