To add Flurry to your app with Swift Package Manager start in XCode with:
- File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency
- On the Build Phases screen -> Choose "Link Binary With Libraries" -> Click "+" -> Choose "Add Other" -> Choose "Add Package Dependency"
- Enter the following repo in the url section:
- You should see the following:
Choose the version option to get the latest version. 11.1.0 is currently the only version available as a swift package.
- Click "Next" and the following page should appear:
- Choose the Packages needed for your project.
*Note: Flurry Analytics is required to use FlurryAds, FlurryConfig and FlurryMessaging.
- The Flurry Analytics Swift Package requires the System Configuration framework (SystemConfiguration.framework).
a. On the Build Phases page, under "Link Binary With Libraries", click on "+" and add "SystemConfiguration.framework"
- If you are using Objective C proceed with the integration instructions here:
- A bridging header is no longer required when using Flurry's Swift Package. You can import Flurry_iOS_SDK as documented here: