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MankaranSingh edited this page Jul 9, 2023 · 3 revisions

Panda is the piece of hardware that facilitates the communication between the device running flowpilot and your car. You can see the wiring guide to see the connections and wiring diagrams.


If you are running flowpilot on desktop, set up the udev rules. Copy paste these commands for the desktop pc to get access to panda.

sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/11-panda.rules <<EOF
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="bbaa", ATTRS{idProduct}=="ddcc", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="bbaa", ATTRS{idProduct}=="ddee", MODE="0666"
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger

No extra step is required. The flashing process will automatically be taken care of after launching flowpilot.


Different versions of flowpilot require different firmware versions to be flashed to panda.

If your device is rooted:

  • Panda will automatically get flashed on launching flowpilot.

If your device is NOT rooted:

  • You would need to flash panda from your PC running linux from the panda folder provided in flowpilot.
  • git clone && cd flowpilot && git submodule update --init
  • cd panda && ./board/
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • scons
  • Setup udev rules.
  • ./board/

Using root is convenient since it automatically takes care of flashing and all and you won't have to care. For non-root, you will have to manually make sure that you flash panda from some other device with the exact git commit repo you would be using on your phone.

Troubleshooting for android devices

Flowpilot gui will show CAN ONLINE only when panda is connected to car and it starts receiving can messages. Sometimes, it may show CAN OFFLINE even after connecting to the car. If you are using usb otg, try connecting panda to phone before connecting it to 12v supply from car. Make sure phone dosen't starts charging and retry. You can use a usb hub like this to avoid this problem.

Also see if something is wrong with wiring or not: Wiring Guide

You can also test manually if your panda is getting conected or not.

  • Open terminal env
  • login-flowpilot / sudo loging-flowpilot-root
  • Check for an existing session tmux a
  • If an existing session is running, kill it ctrl + C
  • now run pandad. It should say successfully connected to board.