Automatically scan a particular local docker image or all local docker containers with Clair Vulnerability Scanner using Clair-Scanner and clair-local-scan together with together with the Docker Bench for Security to check common best-practices around deploying FIWARE Docker containers in production.
The tests are all automated, and are inspired by the CIS Docker Community Edition Benchmark v1.1.0.
There are two ways to install and execute the code. The first one is installing locally the configuration files and script to execute the docker-compose locally (see or Ansible to deploy a virtual machine inside FIWARE Lab and preconfigure all the system to launch the scan automatically (see
This is the option when you want to execute locally the scan over some FIWARE GE or over the complete list of FIWARE GEs.
- Docker version 18.09.1 (or newer)
- docker-compose version 1.23.2 (or newer)
The only things that you have to do is download the file in your local folder to execute the corresponding security scanner over the selected FIWARE GE or over the predefined set of FIWARE GEs (see enablers.json).
The execution of this script automatically download the following files:
And it will clone as well the Docker Bench Security folder to make the CIS Docker Benchmark nalyse.
Before launching the script, it is needed to configure the credentials to access to the FIWARE Nexus instance. It will be the place in which we store the results of the execution of the scan for historical reasons.
You can obtain a help description about the execution of the script just executing the following command:
./ -h
Which show the following content:
usage: [-h] [-p] [-v] [-d DOCKER_IMAGE]
Perform security analysis of the FIWARE GE docker images.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p, --pull Pull the docker image from Docker Hub
-v, --verbose Verbose screen output
-d DOCKER_IMAGE, --docker_image DOCKER_IMAGE
Name of the Docker Image to be analysed. If it is not
provided the Docker images are obtained from the
enablers.json file.
The script will produce 2 files for each FIWARE GE in json format with the format:
<name of ge><date>_<time>.json
Inside this folder and into the docker-bench-security folder.
Once that we get the files we can get the numbers of security vulnerabilies issues just executing the following shell commands with the use of the jq program for the CVE vulnerabilities:
for a in Low Medium High;
data=$(more more <name of ge><date>_<time>.json | jq ".[].vulnerabilities[].severity | select (.==\"${a}\")" | wc -l)
echo $a $data
In case of the CIS Docker Benchmark (security best practices) execute the following scripts:
data=$(more | jq ".tests[].results[].result | select (.==\"${a}\")" | wc -l)
echo $a $data
Last but not least, we have to stop the corresponding container for clair and db.
$ docker ps
0ef0d8e240f8 arminc/clair-local-scan:latest "/clair -config=/con…" 29 hours ago Up 29 hours (healthy) 6060-6061/tcp docker_clair_1
3780c4add4a5 arminc/clair-db:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 29 hours ago Up 29 hours (healthy) 5432/tcp docker_db_1
$ docker stop 0ef0d8e240f8 3780c4add4a5
Anchore provide a GitHub Action for Vulnerability Scanning. Two sample GitHub Action Workflows have been added to this repository.
For example, to enable an Anchore Scan of a Docker image based on node-slim:
- Copy the anchore-node-slim.yaml file to `.github/workflows/anchore-node-slim.yml
- Amend the Dockerfile context location if necessary - the example assumes a folder called
is used. - After committing and pushing the file, run the new GitHub Action manually
A security report will be displayed on<Owner>/<Repository>/security/code-scanning?query=is%3Aopen+branch%3Amaster+severity%3Aerror
Like any GitHub Action Workflow, the creation of additional Docker images to scan
can also be added to a repository and creation can be arbitrarily more complex.
A second example file shows how to build an alternative base image
using --build-arg
parameters on the command line to create a container based on Red Hat UBI (Universal Base Image) 8. To scan this alternate image, just copy
over anchore-ubi.yaml to .github/workflows/anchore-ubi.yml
- Docker
- docker-compose
- Clair Vulnerability Scanner
- Clair-Scanner (release v8 is included)
- clair-local-scan
- clair-container-scan
- Docker Bench Security
These scripts are licensed under Apache License 2.0.