A bot that runs on a device and interprets commands using OpenAI.
The bot comes with a small interpreter for a tiny C-like language. When the user sends a request to the device (typically through a chat application, like telegram or discord), the device sends the request to the OpenAI API, instructing it to generate a program that works on the language interpreter.
Developers can provide their own functions with descriptions which
are also sent to the OpenAI API. For example, a device with a
temperature sensor and a light sensor could provide the functions
and set_light
For chat applications see the "discord" and "telegram" packages.
The following example shows how to use the device bot to control a light depending on the temperature.
Warning: running this program will fill up your terminal with output (due to the
import device_bot show *
import host.os // Only needed for `os.env`.
openai_key := os.env.get "OPENAI_KEY"
if not openai_key:
print "Please set the OPENAI_KEY environment variable."
exit 1
main --openai_key/string:
device_bot := DeviceBot --openai_key=openai_key [
--description="Gets the current temperature in Celsius. Returns a float."
--action=:: | args/List |
print "getting temperature"
(random 0 30).to_float,
--description="Turns the light on or off, depending on the boolean parameter"
--action=:: | args/List |
message := args[0]
print "setting light to $message"
// The request here typically comes from a chat application.
device_bot.handle_message --when_started=(:: print "Running the program") """
Wait 2 seconds, then turn the light off.
Then continuously measure the temperature and turn the light on if the temperature is above 20 degrees Celsius.
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.