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Stimulus Laravel Helpers

The missing stimulus helpers for laravel blade! This package contains a bunch of helpers that pair nicely with hotwired/stimulus-laravel package. Inspired by Symfony UX Stimulus.


  composer require flixtechs-labs/stimulus-extra


The are 3 main helpers

  • stimulus_controller(string $controller, array $values) to add a controller
  • stimulus_action(string $controller, string $method, ?string $event) to specifiy the action
  • stimulus_target(string $controller, string $target) to specifiy the target
<div {{ stimulus_controller('say-hello') }}>
    <input type="text" {{ stimulus_target('say-hello', 'name') }}>

    <button {{ stimulus_action('say-hello', 'greet') }}>

    <div {{ stimulus_target('say-hello', 'output') }}></div>

The stimulus_controller('say-hello') renders a data-controller="say-hello" attribute. Whenever this element appears on the page, Stimulus will automatically look for and initialize a controller called say-hello-controller.js. Create that in your resources/js/controllers/ directory:

// resources/js/controllers/say_hello_controller.js
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus';

export default class extends Controller {
    static targets = ['name', 'output']

    greet() {
      this.outputTarget.textContent = `Hello, ${this.nameTarget.value}!`

Passing Stimulus Values

You can pass values to your Stimulus Controller and they will be JSON serialized automatically

<div {{ stimulus_controller('cart',['data' => $chartData]) }}>


composer test
