spago run -a '--help'
spago bundle --platform=node
- make a split between app code and library code. The main part of the code runs on DOMParser so could run in the browser too
- consider integration with
- Add support for properties
- min, max -> Number (float)
- step -> StepValue
- height, width -> CSSPixel (just an int)
- scope -> scopeValue
- method -> FormMethod
- enctype -> MediaType
- accept -> InputAcceptType
- preload -> PreloadValue
- type_ -> ??
- height, width -> CSSPixel .. have to investigate if HTML only allows 'px' here
- Fix stuff coming up from test.html (see below)
error[invalid HTML] Input type was set in invalid value "datetime"
error[invalid HTML] Input type was set in invalid value "datetime-local"
error[no halogen equivalent] Found node "#document", continuing with it's child nodes.
error[no halogen equivalent] Found node "BODY", continuing with it's child nodes.
error[no halogen equivalent] Found node "HTML", continuing with it's child nodes.
error[no halogen equivalent] Found node "head", skipping.
error[no halogen equivalent] Found node "html" with no children, this is probably the doctype.
error[no halogen equivalent] Found node "s", skipping.
error[no halogen equivalent] Property "value" on tag "meter" is broken.
error[unimplemented] Attribute "cite" on "Q"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "data" on "OBJECT"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "datetime" on "TIME"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "height" on "EMBED"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "height" on "IFRAME"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "height" on "OBJECT"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "label" on "OPTGROUP"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "max" on "INPUT"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "max" on "METER"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "min" on "INPUT"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "min" on "METER"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "role" on "DIV"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "type" on "BUTTON"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "type" on "OL"
error[unimplemented] Handling of node "canvas" when it has children.