This extension adds a "Log in with Telegram" button that uses the new Telegram Login widget and add an option to receive notifications via Telegram as well.
Use Bazaar or install manually:
composer require flagrow/telegram
composer update flagrow/telegram
php flarum migrate
php flarum cache:clear
Follow Telegram instructions to create a bot for the login widget.
Then copy the Bot Username and Bot Token to the extension settings. The username and token must belong to the same bot.
If you check Enable Notifications, the login widget will ask for permission for the bot to message the user and an additional Telegram column will appear in the user's notification settings.
We prefer to keep our work available to everyone. In order to do so we rely on voluntary contributions on Patreon.
If you discover a security vulnerability within Telegram login and notifications, please send an email to the Gravure team at All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
Please include as many details as possible. You can use php flarum info
to get the PHP, Flarum and extension versions installed.