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#66 Added first implementation of LuceneTable
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chrisjstevo committed Apr 9, 2021
1 parent c29abb0 commit 0e7c2ab
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Showing 5 changed files with 333 additions and 21 deletions.
21 changes: 0 additions & 21 deletions

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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions vuu/pom.xml
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,10 @@


Expand All @@ -20,6 +24,19 @@


<!-- -->

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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions vuu/src/main/scala/io/venuu/vuu/api/TableDef.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ object Fields {
val All = List("*")

object VisualLinks {
def apply(link: Link*): VisualLinks = {
new VisualLinks(link.toList)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,7 +73,12 @@ case class Link(fromColumn: String, toTable: String, toColumn: String)
case class VisualLinks(links: List[Link])
case class Indices(indices: Index*)
case class Index(column: String)
case class IndexFilePath(path: String)

trait CleanupPolicy

object DeleteIndexOnShutdown extends CleanupPolicy
object PreserveIndexOnShutdown extends CleanupPolicy

case class AvailableViewPortVisualLink(parentVpId: String, link: Link){
override def toString: String = "(" + parentVpId.split("-").last + ")" + link.fromColumn + " to " + link.toTable + "." + link.toColumn
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,6 +107,12 @@ class TableDef(val name: String, val keyField: String, val columns: Array[Column


class LuceneTableDef(name: String, keyField: String, columns: Array[Column], joinFields: Seq[String],
autosubscribe: Boolean = false, links: VisualLinks = VisualLinks(),
val indexPath: IndexFilePath, val cleanupPolicy: CleanupPolicy)
extends TableDef(name, keyField, columns, joinFields, false, links, Indices()){

trait JoinType

object LeftOuterJoin extends JoinType
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134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions vuu/src/main/scala/io/venuu/vuu/core/table/LuceneTable.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
package io.venuu.vuu.core.table
import io.venuu.toolbox.collection.array.ImmutableArray
import io.venuu.toolbox.jmx.MetricsProvider
import io.venuu.toolbox.lifecycle.LifecycleContainer
import io.venuu.vuu.api.{LuceneTableDef, TableDef}
import io.venuu.vuu.core.index.IndexedField
import io.venuu.vuu.provider.JoinTableProvider
import io.venuu.vuu.viewport.RowProcessor
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer
import org.apache.lucene.document.{Document, Field, TextField}
import org.apache.lucene.index.{DirectoryReader, IndexWriter, IndexWriterConfig, Term}
import{IndexSearcher, MatchAllDocsQuery, TermQuery}

import java.nio.file.Paths

class LuceneTableData(val tableDef: LuceneTableDef){

private final val rowKeyFieldName = "rowKey"
private final val lastUpdateFieldName = "lastUpdate"

private val index = new MMapDirectory(Paths.get(tableDef.indexPath.path))

private val analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer
private val config = new IndexWriterConfig(analyzer)
private val indexWriter = new IndexWriter(index, config)

private val commitEveryCount = 20
private var updateCount: Long = 0

//lazy val reader =
//lazy val searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader)

private def rowUpdateAsDocument(rowKey: String, rowUpdate: RowWithData, timeStamp: Long): Unit = {

val document = new Document

//val config = new IndexWriterConfig(analyzer)
//val indexWriter = new IndexWriter(index, config)

document.add(new TextField(rowKeyFieldName, rowKey, Field.Store.YES))
document.add(new TextField(lastUpdateFieldName, timeStamp.toString, Field.Store.YES))

tableDef.columns.foreach( c => {
rowUpdate.get(c) match {
case null =>
case datum: Any =>
val asString = datum.toString
document.add(new TextField(, asString, Field.Store.YES))


if(commitEveryCount % commitEveryCount == 0){

def processUpdate(rowKey: String, rowUpdate: RowWithData, timeStamp: Long): Unit = {
updateCount += 1
rowUpdateAsDocument(rowKey, rowUpdate, timeStamp)
def processDelete(rowKey: String): Unit = {
// indexWriter.deleteDocuments(new Term(rowKeyFieldName, rowKey))
// indexWriter.flush()
// indexWriter.commit()

private def toTerm(field:String, value:String): Term = {
new Term(field, value)

def loadDocument(rowKey: String): Document = {
val reader =
val searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader)
val query = new TermQuery(toTerm(rowKeyFieldName, rowKey))
//val query = new MatchAllDocsQuery

val topDocs =, 1)
if(topDocs.totalHits.value == 0l){


class LuceneTable(val tableDef: LuceneTableDef, val joinProvider: JoinTableProvider)(implicit val metrics: MetricsProvider, val lifecycle: LifecycleContainer) extends DataTable with KeyedObservableHelper[RowKeyUpdate] {

private val luceneData = new LuceneTableData(tableDef)

override def indexForColumn(column: Column): Option[IndexedField[_]] = ???

override def getTableDef: TableDef = tableDef

override def processUpdate(rowKey: String, rowUpdate: RowWithData, timeStamp: Long): Unit = {
luceneData.processUpdate(rowKey, rowUpdate, timeStamp)

override def processDelete(rowKey: String): Unit = {

override def name: String =

override def notifyListeners(rowKey: String, isDelete: Boolean = false) = {
getObserversByKey(rowKey).foreach(obs => {
obs.onUpdate(new RowKeyUpdate(rowKey, this, isDelete))

override def linkableName: String =

override def readRow(key: String, columns: List[String], processor: RowProcessor): Unit = ???

override def primaryKeys: ImmutableArray[String] = ???

override def pullRow(key: String, columns: List[Column]): RowData = ???

override def pullRow(key: String): RowData = ???

override def pullRowAsArray(key: String, columns: List[Column]): Array[Any] = {
luceneData.loadDocument(key) match {
case null => Array()
case doc: Document => c => doc.getField( ).toArray

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
package io.venuu.vuu.core.table.lucene

import io.venuu.toolbox.jmx.MetricsProviderImpl
import io.venuu.toolbox.lifecycle.LifecycleContainer
import io.venuu.toolbox.time.TestFriendlyClock
import io.venuu.toolbox.time.TimeIt.timeIt
import io.venuu.vuu.api.{DeleteIndexOnShutdown, IndexFilePath, LuceneTableDef, TableDef, VisualLinks}
import io.venuu.vuu.core.table.{Columns, LuceneTable, RowWithData}
import io.venuu.vuu.provider.JoinTableProviderImpl
import io.venuu.vuu.viewport.TestTimeStamp
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer
import org.apache.lucene.document.{Document, DoublePoint, Field, IntPoint, LongPoint, TextField}
import org.apache.lucene.index.{DirectoryReader, IndexWriter, IndexWriterConfig, Term}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Ignore}
import org.scalatest.featurespec.AnyFeatureSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

import java.nio.file.Paths



class LuceneTableTest extends AnyFeatureSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {

private final val indexPath = "target/test/LuceneTableTest"

override protected def beforeAll() = {

override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {

Feature("check creating indexed tables in Lucene"){

Scenario("Check creation and retrieval of data"){

implicit val clock = new TestFriendlyClock(TestTimeStamp.EPOCH_DEFAULT)
implicit val lifeCycle = new LifecycleContainer
implicit val metrics = new MetricsProviderImpl

val joinTableProvider = new JoinTableProviderImpl()

val tableDef = new LuceneTableDef("executions", "executionId",
Columns.fromNames("executionId:String", "ric:String", "quantity:Int", "price:Double", "lastExchange:String"),
Seq("executionId"), false, VisualLinks(), IndexFilePath("target/test"), DeleteIndexOnShutdown)

val table = new LuceneTable(tableDef, joinTableProvider)

val rowCount = 1000

val (millis, _ ) = timeIt {
(0 to rowCount).foreach(i => {
val execId = "exec" + i
val ric = "FOO"
val quantity = i * 100
val price = (100 - i).toDouble
val lastExchange = "XLON"

table.processUpdate(execId, RowWithData(execId, Map(
"executionId" -> execId,
"ric" -> ric,
"quantity" -> quantity,
"price" -> price,
"lastExchange" -> lastExchange

val costPerRow = (millis.toDouble / rowCount.toDouble)

val ratePerSecond = (1000).toDouble / costPerRow.toDouble
val ratePerMinute = (1000 * 60).toDouble / costPerRow.toDouble

println(s"time for $rowCount: " + millis + " millis, per row cost: " + costPerRow + " per sec: " + ratePerSecond + " per min:" + ratePerMinute)

val array = table.pullRowAsArray("exec0", tableDef.columns.toList)

array.size should equal(5)

ignore("Check Creation of Index Table"){

val index = new MMapDirectory(Paths.get("target/lucene-index"))
//val index = new RAMDirectory()

val analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer
val config = new IndexWriterConfig(analyzer)
val indexWriter = new IndexWriter(index, config)

var document = new Document
document.add(new TextField("id", "100", Field.Store.YES))
document.add(new LongPoint("id_as_int", 100l))
document.add(new TextField("name", "John Doe", Field.Store.YES))
document.add(new TextField("address", "80 Summer Hill", Field.Store.YES))
document.add(new IntPoint("age", 10))
document.add(new DoublePoint("price", 101.23))
indexWriter.updateDocument(new Term("id", "100"), document)

val document2 = new Document
document2.add(new TextField("id", "101", Field.Store.YES))
document.add(new LongPoint("id_as_int", 101l))
document2.add(new TextField("name", "Chris Stevenson", Field.Store.YES))
document2.add(new TextField("address", "20 Bunker Road", Field.Store.YES))
document2.add(new IntPoint("age", 20))
document2.add(new DoublePoint("price", 50.01))
indexWriter.updateDocument(new Term("id", "101"), document2)

val document3 = new Document
document3.add(new TextField("id", "102", Field.Store.YES))
document.add(new LongPoint("id_as_int", 102l))
document3.add(new TextField("name", "Steve The Hero", Field.Store.YES))
document3.add(new TextField("address", "50 Rompile Road", Field.Store.YES))
document3.add(new IntPoint("age", 30))
document3.add(new DoublePoint("price", 34.01))
indexWriter.updateDocument(new Term("id", "102"), document3)


val reader =
val searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader)

//val query = new TermQuery(new Term("name", "chris"))

val query = IntPoint.newExactQuery("age", 20)
//val query = new MatchAllDocsQuery

val topDocs =, 10)

println("TopHits:" + topDocs.totalHits.value )

// Display addresses
for (scoreDoc <- topDocs.scoreDocs) {
document = searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc)
System.out.println("record=>" + document.get("name") + " " + document.get("address")
+ " " + document.get("age") + " " + document.get("id"))

//val textQuery = new QueryParser("name", analyzer).parse("chris OR steve")
//val textQuery = new QueryParser("age", analyzer).parse("age:>10")

val rangeQuery = IntPoint.newRangeQuery("age", 10, 30)

val topDocs2 =, 10)

println("TopHits:" + topDocs2.totalHits.value )

// Display addresses
for (scoreDoc <- topDocs2.scoreDocs) {
document = searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc)
System.out.println("next record=>" + document.get("name") + " " + document.get("address")
+ " " + document.get("age") + " " + document.get("id"))



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