- We do not need fancy dashboards,
- We need actual analytics for developers & open-source projects.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Example usage</title>
You can host an analytx server on your servers / heroku / aws or gcloud.
Insert your servers base url below.
window.BASE_URL = 'https://beta.analytx.dev' // your analytx server
Send a event.
The event can be anything you want
send({type: 'click', event:'jobApply'})
send({type: 'seen', event:'jobPage'})
// count().then(data => data.count).then(console.log)
// total().then(data => data.count).then(console.log)
<script src='https://analytx.dev/analytx.js'></script>
Deploy to heroku (TO-DO)
git clone git@github.com:cagataycali/analytics.git
npm install # yarn
MONGO_URI='YOUR_MONGO_DB_URL' npm start # yarn start (for backend.) starts @ localhost:5000
In seperated terminal:
cd demo;
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
open http://localhost:8000 # the alert will be popup.
docker build -t analytics .
docker run --rm -i -t -e MONGO_URI='YOUR_MONGO_DB_URL' -e PORT='80' -p 5000:80 analytics
App will be available at :5000.
docker-compose pull && docker-compose up --abort-on-container-exit