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Roadmap 1.0

Vladimir Kostyukov edited this page Mar 29, 2016 · 10 revisions
  1. Respond multiple content-types per coproduct endpoint (see #575)
  2. Content-type negotiation based on Accept header (see #510)
  3. Accept multiple content-types per body* endpoint (see #562 and #335)
  4. finch-generic, a standalone package providing generic derivation (see #528)
  5. JSON streaming request (see #336 and #557)
  6. Figure out whether or not to keep ValidationRule (see #513)
  7. Better API for io.finch.items (see #529)
  8. Decode JSON directly from Buf (see #511)
  9. Better story for Encode.*[Exception] (see #547)
  10. Reduce the performance gap between Finagle/Finch to 10% (see
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