This project is devoted to the development of cheap electronic marking system for sports and tourist orientering. It is also possible to use it on rogaining events, adventure races, trails, wherever time fixing is required. Here is the hardware part of the marking system. The software is under construction, the links is placed below
This project is open and free. Who is not afraid of difficulties, can try to do it by yourself following the instructions from the wiki. Сheapness of the components of the system can recoup the expended work ($ 10 for one base station, $ 0.2 per chip mark)
I warn that this development is a hobby, the author is not a professional in the field of electronics and programming. Therefore, no guarantees are given, different kinds of problems are possible during reproduction. Support is also not promised. So, act at your own risk.
Issues and possible improvements can be posted to our issue. Please make sure you provide all relevant information about your problem or idea.
You can contribute by writing code. Programs for working with the system on a PC via Serial and on Androide via Bluetooth. The data transfer protocol and commands are described in the manual With pleasure we will add a link to your developments working with Sportidoino.
It also supports the creation of forks, pull rquests, developing any new ideas.
You can also help by translatiing the documentation. At this moment it is executed roughly.
The system uses cards Ntag 213 / 215 / 216. In the form of labels these cards cost 0.1, 0.2 0.4 $ , respectively, in the form of a key fob twice as expensive. The memory of these cards is enough for 32, 120 and 216 marks, respectively.
In addition, it is possible to use Mifare Classic S50 chips. These chips are also cheap, come bundled with the RC522 module. The memory of these chips is enough for 42 marks. They work a little slower than Ntag. Firmware for Mifare and Ntag are not compatible, so when using Mifare, at the mark and base stations need to upload other firmware, with Mifare in the title.
The main components of the station are the Atmega328P microcontroller and the MFRC522 module, which operates at a frequency of 13.56MHz. Clock DS3231SN. Powered by 3 AA batteries through the MCP1700T-33 stabilizer The capacity of the kit of three alkaline AA batteries should be enough for a year of active use.
Totally, the initial components for one base station and the consumables cost about 10$.
The master station is simpler than the base station, consists of Arduino Nano, RFID module, LED and buzzer. To the computer connection through USB. With the help of the master station you can perform a number of referee tasks.
There is also a wireless station with the bluetooth module.
Cards and stations are tuned in the program SportiduinoPQ
The program is based on a python module and also on the PyQt package for creating window applications
Reading chips is implemented in the program SportOrg
Available from:
License: GNU GPLv3