MK1 was my first attempt, highly unorganized. It was soon replaced by:
MK2, which was based on the technique presented here: best way to store dotfiles.
MK3 - the current one. Including gnu stow, after watching ThePrimeagen's stow tutorial
Instructions below are prepared for macOS, as this is my daily work machine. Follow the instructions if that fits your needs.
Before the script, sign in to Mac App Store!
xcode-select --install
git clone --depth 1
cd ~/dotfiles
make -s install # `-s` will suppress all commands from being echoed
Then, finally:
fast-theme XDG:catppuccin-macchiato
Refer to:
# Make sure you killed your tmux session first, otherwise it will fail
cd ~/dotfiles
make -s uninstall
The files and scripts in this repository are licensed under the MIT License, which is a very permissive license allowing you to use, modify, copy, distribute, sell, give away, etc. the software. In other words, do what you want with it. The only requirement with the MIT License is that the license and copyright notice must be provided with the software.
The whole workflow was inspired by this great YouTube video by DistroTube.
This is how I got into git submodules to handle vim plugins: Using the Vim 8 Package Manager
This dotfile repository has very interesting ideas. Definitely worth some reading! webpro dotfiles
Some things I borrowed are from idcrook/i-dotfiles - try it out!
The idea for dotfiles
and packages
applications came from webpro/dotfiles.
I also got the idea of make
command from Makefile for your dotfiles