- 🎓 I recently completed my master's degree in Computational Physics. Exploring the implementation of state-of-the-art object detection models to develop a multi-spectral system for smart spraying. This system aims to significantly reduce herbicide usage in agriculture.
- 📚 During my bachelor degree in Computational Physics, I developed innovative products in the field of ophthalmology using cutting-edge computer vision and digital image processing techniques.
- 🤔 Exploring new technologies and developing software & hardware solutions and simple hacks.
- 🔭 Studying Computer Vision, Physics, Optics and Deep Learning.
- 💼 Python/C++ developer for desktop apps and embbebed devices.
- 🌱 Enthusiast in Sustainability and 3d printing.
- 💻 Python | C++ | C | Fortran
- 🔧 Qt | Pytorch | TensorFlow | Pytorch | Opencv | Docker | Pandas | FastAPI | NVIDIA Triton
- 📃 Git | Github | Gitlab
- 🖥 SolidWorks | AutoCAD | Cura
Explore my machine learning experiments and visualizations on Wandb: https://wandb.ai/filipemarinho
Explore my projects and certifications in my Coursera Profile