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Remove most v2-only code paths (#1330)
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anorth authored Dec 15, 2020
1 parent 69b8590 commit 2a62795
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Showing 9 changed files with 101 additions and 572 deletions.
124 changes: 40 additions & 84 deletions actors/builtin/miner/miner_actor.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import (
rtt ""
miner0 ""
miner2 ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,7 +335,6 @@ type SubmitWindowedPoStParams = miner0.SubmitWindowedPoStParams
// Invoked by miner's worker address to submit their fallback post
func (a Actor) SubmitWindowedPoSt(rt Runtime, params *SubmitWindowedPoStParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
currEpoch := rt.CurrEpoch()
nv := rt.NetworkVersion()
store := adt.AsStore(rt)
var st State

Expand All @@ -351,10 +349,8 @@ func (a Actor) SubmitWindowedPoSt(rt Runtime, params *SubmitWindowedPoStParams)

partitionIndexes := bitfield.New()
if nv >= network.Version7 {
for _, partition := range params.Partitions {
for _, partition := range params.Partitions {

var postResult *PoStResult
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -420,14 +416,12 @@ func (a Actor) SubmitWindowedPoSt(rt Runtime, params *SubmitWindowedPoStParams)
deadline, err := deadlines.LoadDeadline(store, params.Deadline)
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load deadline %d", params.Deadline)

if nv >= network.Version7 {
alreadyProven, err := bitfield.IntersectBitField(deadline.PostSubmissions, partitionIndexes)
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to check proven partitions")
empty, err := alreadyProven.IsEmpty()
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to check proven intersection is empty")
if !empty {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "partition already proven: %v", alreadyProven)
alreadyProven, err := bitfield.IntersectBitField(deadline.PostSubmissions, partitionIndexes)
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to check proven partitions")
empty, err := alreadyProven.IsEmpty()
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to check proven intersection is empty")
if !empty {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "partition already proven: %v", alreadyProven)

// Record proven sectors/partitions, returning updates to power and the final set of sectors
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -567,12 +561,6 @@ func (a Actor) PreCommitSector(rt Runtime, params *PreCommitSectorParams) *abi.E
newlyVested := big.Zero()
feeToBurn := abi.NewTokenAmount(0)
rt.StateTransaction(&st, func() {
// Stop vesting funds as of version 7. Its computationally expensive and unlikely to release any funds.
if rt.NetworkVersion() < network.Version7 {
newlyVested, err = st.UnlockVestedFunds(store, rt.CurrEpoch())
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to vest funds")

// available balance already accounts for fee debt so it is correct to call
// this before RepayDebts. We would have to
// subtract fee debt explicitly if we called this after.
Expand All @@ -587,22 +575,16 @@ func (a Actor) PreCommitSector(rt Runtime, params *PreCommitSectorParams) *abi.E
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrForbidden, "precommit not allowed during active consensus fault")

if nv < network.Version7 {
if params.SealProof != info.SealProofType {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sector seal proof %v must match miner seal proof type %d", params.SealProof, info.SealProofType)
} else {
// From network version 7, the pre-commit seal type must have the same Window PoSt proof type as the miner's
// recorded seal type has, rather than be exactly the same seal type.
// This permits a transition window from V1 to V1_1 seal types (which share Window PoSt proof type).
minerWPoStProof, err := info.SealProofType.RegisteredWindowPoStProof()
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to lookup Window PoSt proof type for miner seal proof %d", info.SealProofType)
sectorWPoStProof, err := params.SealProof.RegisteredWindowPoStProof()
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "failed to lookup Window PoSt proof type for sector seal proof %d", params.SealProof)
if sectorWPoStProof != minerWPoStProof {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sector Window PoSt proof type %d must match miner Window PoSt proof type %d (seal proof type %d)",
sectorWPoStProof, minerWPoStProof, params.SealProof)
// From network version 7, the pre-commit seal type must have the same Window PoSt proof type as the miner's
// recorded seal type has, rather than be exactly the same seal type.
// This permits a transition window from V1 to V1_1 seal types (which share Window PoSt proof type).
minerWPoStProof, err := info.SealProofType.RegisteredWindowPoStProof()
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to lookup Window PoSt proof type for miner seal proof %d", info.SealProofType)
sectorWPoStProof, err := params.SealProof.RegisteredWindowPoStProof()
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "failed to lookup Window PoSt proof type for sector seal proof %d", params.SealProof)
if sectorWPoStProof != minerWPoStProof {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sector Window PoSt proof type %d must match miner Window PoSt proof type %d (seal proof type %d)",
sectorWPoStProof, minerWPoStProof, params.SealProof)

dealCountMax := SectorDealsMax(info.SectorSize)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -691,16 +673,12 @@ type ProveCommitSectorParams = miner0.ProveCommitSectorParams
// If valid, the power actor will call ConfirmSectorProofsValid at the end of the same epoch as this message.
func (a Actor) ProveCommitSector(rt Runtime, params *ProveCommitSectorParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
nv := rt.NetworkVersion()

if params.SectorNumber > abi.MaxSectorNumber {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sector number greater than maximum")

maxProofSize := MaxProveCommitSizeV4
if nv >= network.Version5 {
maxProofSize = MaxProveCommitSizeV5
maxProofSize := MaxProveCommitSize
if len(params.Proof) > maxProofSize {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "sector prove-commit proof of size %d exceeds max size of %d",
len(params.Proof), maxProofSize)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -900,14 +878,6 @@ func (a Actor) ConfirmSectorProofsValid(rt Runtime, params *builtin.ConfirmSecto
err = st.AssignSectorsToDeadlines(store, rt.CurrEpoch(), newSectors, info.WindowPoStPartitionSectors, info.SectorSize)
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to assign new sectors to deadlines")

// Stop unlocking funds as of version 7. It's computationally expensive and unlikely to actually unlock anything.
if rt.NetworkVersion() < network.Version7 {
newlyVested, err = st.UnlockVestedFunds(store, rt.CurrEpoch())
if err != nil {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to vest new funds: %s", err)

// Unlock deposit for successful proofs, make it available for lock-up as initial pledge.
err = st.AddPreCommitDeposit(depositToUnlock.Neg())
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to add pre-commit deposit %v", depositToUnlock.Neg())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -975,7 +945,6 @@ type ExpirationExtension = miner0.ExpirationExtension
// The sector must not be terminated or faulty.
// The sector's power is recomputed for the new expiration.
func (a Actor) ExtendSectorExpiration(rt Runtime, params *ExtendSectorExpirationParams) *abi.EmptyValue {
nv := rt.NetworkVersion()
if uint64(len(params.Extensions)) > DeclarationsMax {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "too many declarations %d, max %d", len(params.Extensions), DeclarationsMax)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1062,7 +1031,7 @@ func (a Actor) ExtendSectorExpiration(rt Runtime, params *ExtendSectorExpiration
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load sectors in deadline %v partition %v", dlIdx, decl.Partition)
newSectors := make([]*SectorOnChainInfo, len(oldSectors))
for i, sector := range oldSectors {
if !CanExtendSealProofType(sector.SealProof, nv) {
if !CanExtendSealProofType(sector.SealProof) {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrForbidden, "cannot extend expiration for sector %v with unsupported seal type %v",
sector.SectorNumber, sector.SealProof)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1102,26 +1071,22 @@ func (a Actor) ExtendSectorExpiration(rt Runtime, params *ExtendSectorExpiration
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save deadline %v partition %v", dlIdx, decl.Partition)

// Record the new partition expiration epoch for setting outside this loop over declarations.
if nv >= network.Version7 {
prevEpochPartitions, ok := partitionsByNewEpoch[decl.NewExpiration]
partitionsByNewEpoch[decl.NewExpiration] = append(prevEpochPartitions, decl.Partition)
if !ok {
epochsToReschedule = append(epochsToReschedule, decl.NewExpiration)
prevEpochPartitions, ok := partitionsByNewEpoch[decl.NewExpiration]
partitionsByNewEpoch[decl.NewExpiration] = append(prevEpochPartitions, decl.Partition)
if !ok {
epochsToReschedule = append(epochsToReschedule, decl.NewExpiration)

deadline.Partitions, err = partitions.Root()
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to save partitions for deadline %d", dlIdx)

// Record partitions in deadline expiration queue
if nv >= network.Version7 {
for _, epoch := range epochsToReschedule {
pIdxs := partitionsByNewEpoch[epoch]
err := deadline.AddExpirationPartitions(store, epoch, pIdxs, quant)
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to add expiration partitions to deadline %v epoch %v: %v",
dlIdx, epoch, pIdxs)
for _, epoch := range epochsToReschedule {
pIdxs := partitionsByNewEpoch[epoch]
err := deadline.AddExpirationPartitions(store, epoch, pIdxs, quant)
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to add expiration partitions to deadline %v epoch %v: %v",
dlIdx, epoch, pIdxs)

err = deadlines.UpdateDeadline(store, dlIdx, deadline)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1554,7 +1519,6 @@ func (a Actor) ApplyRewards(rt Runtime, params *builtin.ApplyRewardParams) *abi.
if params.Penalty.Sign() < 0 {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "cannot penalize a negative amount of funds")
nv := rt.NetworkVersion()

var st State
pledgeDeltaTotal := big.Zero()
Expand All @@ -1564,7 +1528,7 @@ func (a Actor) ApplyRewards(rt Runtime, params *builtin.ApplyRewardParams) *abi.
store := adt.AsStore(rt)

rewardToLock, lockedRewardVestingSpec := LockedRewardFromReward(params.Reward, nv)
rewardToLock, lockedRewardVestingSpec := LockedRewardFromReward(params.Reward)

// This ensures the miner has sufficient funds to lock up amountToLock.
// This should always be true if reward actor sends reward funds with the message.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2024,7 +1988,6 @@ func validateExpiration(rt Runtime, activation, expiration abi.ChainEpoch, sealP

func validateReplaceSector(rt Runtime, st *State, store adt.Store, params *PreCommitSectorParams) {
nv := rt.NetworkVersion()
replaceSector, found, err := st.GetSector(store, params.ReplaceSectorNumber)
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to load sector %v", params.SectorNumber)
if !found {
Expand All @@ -2034,23 +1997,16 @@ func validateReplaceSector(rt Runtime, st *State, store adt.Store, params *PreCo
if len(replaceSector.DealIDs) > 0 {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "cannot replace sector %v which has deals", params.ReplaceSectorNumber)
if nv < network.Version7 {
if params.SealProof != replaceSector.SealProof {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "cannot replace sector %v seal proof %v with seal proof %v",
params.ReplaceSectorNumber, replaceSector.SealProof, params.SealProof)
} else {
// From network version 7, the new sector's seal type must have the same Window PoSt proof type as the one
// being replaced, rather than be exactly the same seal type.
// This permits replacing sectors with V1 seal types with V1_1 seal types.
replaceWPoStProof, err := replaceSector.SealProof.RegisteredWindowPoStProof()
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to lookup Window PoSt proof type for sector seal proof %d", replaceSector.SealProof)
newWPoStProof, err := params.SealProof.RegisteredWindowPoStProof()
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "failed to lookup Window PoSt proof type for new seal proof %d", params.SealProof)
if newWPoStProof != replaceWPoStProof {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "new sector window PoSt proof type %d must match replaced proof type %d (seal proof type %d)",
newWPoStProof, replaceWPoStProof, params.SealProof)
// From network version 7, the new sector's seal type must have the same Window PoSt proof type as the one
// being replaced, rather than be exactly the same seal type.
// This permits replacing sectors with V1 seal types with V1_1 seal types.
replaceWPoStProof, err := replaceSector.SealProof.RegisteredWindowPoStProof()
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalState, "failed to lookup Window PoSt proof type for sector seal proof %d", replaceSector.SealProof)
newWPoStProof, err := params.SealProof.RegisteredWindowPoStProof()
builtin.RequireNoErr(rt, err, exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "failed to lookup Window PoSt proof type for new seal proof %d", params.SealProof)
if newWPoStProof != replaceWPoStProof {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "new sector window PoSt proof type %d must match replaced proof type %d (seal proof type %d)",
newWPoStProof, replaceWPoStProof, params.SealProof)
if params.Expiration < replaceSector.Expiration {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.ErrIllegalArgument, "cannot replace sector %v expiration %v with sooner expiration %v",
Expand Down

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