The Xpress Insight Admin application allows the users to perform add, update, delete, list and describe operations on Users and Authority Groups through the web app. This tool enables users to also perform these operations through command line.
- Can run on both
operating systems. - Has built-in
support for the tool. - Supports operation using http and https services.
- Has 96% test coverage.
- Java 11
- JAVA_HOME environment variable should point to jdk11 installation path.
- Maven
- Xpress Insight User Admin Command Line is compatible with insight version starting 4.12
- Precompiled runnable artifact (insightadmincli.jar) is available in the target. Follow the instructions given below to regenerate. In the console, enter the following commands, and press return after each one.
- git clone
- cd insight-admin-cl
- mvn clean install (include the -DskipTests option to skip running the tests)
This will build a jar file. To run the jar file, type the following command in the console, and press enter:
For Windows
insightadmincli.bat -h
For Linux
./ -h
- List - Return the list of all users/authority groups.
- Describe - Return the complete details of a specific user/authority group.
- Add - Create the specific user/authority group.
- Update - Edit the specific user/authority group.
Enter the following command to open the Insight admin cli Help file detailing all the operations that can be performed:
insightadmincli -h
or insightadmincli --help
To run insight admin cli:
- On Windows, use insightadmincli.bat
- On Linux, use
For Windows
There are two commands that can be used to install the certificates required to consume https
keytool -import -file $PATH_OF_THE_CERTIFICATE_CER_FILE.cer -alias $ALIAS_NAME -keystore $JAVA_HOME\lib\security\cacerts
keytool -importcert -file $PATH_OF_THE_CERTIFICATE_CER_FILE.cer -alias $ALIAS_NAME -keystore $JAVA_HOME\lib\security\cacerts
For example: keytool -import -file C:\dev\certificate\xpressdev.cer -alias xpressdev -keystore C:\jdks\openjdk-11.0.2_windows-x64_bin\jdk-11.0.2\lib\security\cacerts
When prompted for keystore password enter:
For Linux
Execute the following command to install the certificates required to consume https
keytool -importcert -file $PATH_OF_THE_CERTIFICATE_CER_FILE.cer -alias $ALIAS_NAME -keystore $JAVA_HOME\lib\security\cacerts
For example:
sudo keytool -importcert /home/user/certificate/xpressdev.cer -alias comodo_new -keystore /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts
When prompted for keystore password enter: `changeit`
**** Note In all the following examples, text prefixed with $ should be replaced with the actual value.
To list all the users in the system.
insightadmincli user list -u $loginuser -p $loginpassword -url $urlFor example: insightadmincli user list -u admin -p pwd123 -url
To return the details for a specific user insightadmincli user describe -tu $targetuser -u $loginuser -p $loginpassword -url
For example: insightadmincli user describe -tu henry -u admin -p pwd123 -url will return details for the user 'henry'.
To add a new user insightadmincli user add -tu $targetUser -fn $fNameValue -ln $lNameValue -tp $passwordvalue -em $email -en -lk -tbe -tbu $tableauUserName -ag $AddAuthorityGroupValue -aa $AddAppValue -u $loginuser -p $loginpassword -lad -url $url
For example: insightadmincli user add -tu demoUser -fn fName -ln lName -tp pwd123 -em -en -lk -tbe -tbu DemoUser -ag Developer -aa "Quick Start" -u admin -p pwd123 -lad -url http://localhost:8860 will create a new user with the values provided.
To update an existing user insightadmincli user update -tu $targetUser -fn $fNameValue -ln $lNameValue -tp $passwordvalue -em $email -en -lk -tbe -tbu $tableauUserName -ag $AddAuthorityGroupValue -aa $AddAppValue -u $loginuser -p $loginpassword -lad -url $url
For example: insightadmincli user update -tu demoUser -fn fName -ln lName -tp pwd123 -em -en -lk -tbe -tbu DemoUser -ag Developer -aa "Quick Start" -u admin -p pwd123 -lad -url http://localhost:8860 will update an exisiting user with the values provided.
** Similar operations can be performed on authority groups by replacing the keyword user
with authgroup
in the preceeding commands .
To execute bulk operations, you can run scripts on Jenkins. In this case the username and password can be set using credentials provided by Jenkins. You need to add a credential and then link it to the Username and Password Variables under Bindings(inside the configure job). This method supplies the username and password to each command without compromising security, as the password is stored in encrypted form.
In the following examples, User
and Pass
should be replaced with Username and Password variable names from Jenkins:
For Windows
call insightadmincli.bat user list -u %$UserName% -p %$Password%
call insightadmincli.bat user list -u %User% -p %Pass%
call insightadmincli.bat authgroup list -u %User% -p %Pass%
call insightadmincli.bat user describe -tu admin -u %User% -p %Pass%
For Linux user list -u %$UserName% -p %$Password%; user list -u $User -p $Pass; authgroup list -u $User -p $Pass; user describe -tu admin -u $User -p $Pass;
For the exact output, you need to create the log file and redirect the output to it as follows:
For Windows executeScript.bat >> test.log
For Linux > test.log
where test.log is the file where all the logs will be written and executeScript contains the bulk commands.
**** Note The automation script can also be provided with absolute path.
For example:
executeScript.bat >> C:/logs/test.log