A mobile application should only collect a user’s location information if its user experience depends on or is improved by location awareness. An app that delivers retailer-specific coupons or offers based on a user’s location has a valid reason to ask the user for location permissions.
Protecting user privacy and maintaining trust is paramount. The purpose of OpenLocate is to standardize and simplify the collection of location data by mobile applications that have privacy-compliant and user-centric reasons to do so.
OpenLocate should not be used solely to collect location data for monetization purposes.
Here are a couple of blog posts that discuss best practices and things to keep in mind when asking a mobile app user for permissions:
- https://medium.com/product-breakdown/5-ways-to-ask-users-for-ios-permissions-a8e199cc83ad
- https://uxplanet.org/mobile-ux-design-the-right-ways-to-ask-users-for-permissions-6cdd9ab25c27
OpenLocate is supported by developers, non-profits, trade groups, and industry for the following reasons:
- Collecting location data in a battery efficient manner that does not adversely affect mobile application performance is non-trivial. OpenLocate enables everyone in the community to benefit from shared knowledge around how to do this well.
- Creates standards and best practices for location collection.
- Developers have full transparency on how OpenLocate location collection works.
- Location data collected via OpenLocate is solely controlled by the developer.
Mobile application developers can use location data collected via OpenLocate to:
- Enhance their mobile application using context about the user’s location.
- Receive data about the Points of Interest a device has visited by enabling integrations with 3rd party APIs such as Google Places or Foursquare Venues
- Send location data to partners of OpenLocate via integrations listed here.
OpenLocate is supported by mobile app developers, non-profit trade groups, academia, and leading companies across GIS, logistics, marketing, and more.
- Android - Min SDK version 19
Openlocate uses the following permissions:
- ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION - Required to access approximate location.
- ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - Required to access precise location.
- INTERNET - Required to open network sockets.
- ACCESS_WIFI_STATE - Required to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
OpenLocate initialises a background service alongside your application. This background service collects and transmits location updates.
The location updates rely on Google Play Services' Fused Location Provider
. The location collection interval is set at a default of 5 minutes. Actual location updates received can be more frequent than this however, as OpenLocate will receive passive fixes (location updates triggered by other applications) if there are any.
In order to minimize battery usage and network traffic to your server, the location updates are not transmitted immediately, but rather batched locally for sending at a defined interval. The default transmission interval is six hours. Once successfully transmitted, the location updates are no longer stored on the device.
Add the below line to your app's build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/openlocate-android/"
Add the below line to your app's build.gradle
inside the dependencies
compile 'com.openlocate:openlocate:1.+'
You can change the following parameters:
OpenLocate.getInstance().setTransmissionInterval(long milliseconds)
specifies the interval at which location records are transmitted from the device. The default is 6 hours. Setting a smaller interval will result in more frequent transmission but higher battery usage.OpenLocate.getInstance().setLocationInterval(long milliseconds)
specifies the maximum interval before which a location update is requested from the device. The default is 5 minutes.OpenLocate.getInstance().setAccuracy(LocationAccuracy)
specifies the accuracy of location updates as described in the Fused Location Provider API. For example:- PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY: this will return the finest location available e.g. more likely to use GPS
- PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY: returns approximately block-level accuracy (~100m)
Configure where the SDK should send data to by building the configuration with appropriate URL and headers. Supply the configuration to the initialize
method. Initialize OpenLocate in the Application
import android.app.Application;
import com.openlocate.android.core.OpenLocate;
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
OpenLocate.Configuration config = new OpenLocate.Configuration.Builder(this, BuildConfig.URL)
.setHeaders(<Your Headers>)
If you would like to send the data to multiple endpoints, you can do so by creating multiple OpenLocate.Endpoint
objects and passing them in to the OpenLocate.Configuration
object. If data fails to be sent to any given endpoint, data will be saved locally and re-tried in later transmissions. A maximum of 10 days worth of data is kept.
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
ArrayList<OpenLocate.Endpoint> endpoints = new ArrayList<>();
.withHeader("<Header's key>", "Header's value")
.withHeader("<Another header's key>", " Another header's value")
OpenLocate.Configuration configuration = new OpenLocate.Configuration.Builder(this, endpoints)
Activity should be passed to method below. Library will request permission for you.
method can be called only once: library will restart tracking on next initialization.
To stop location tracking, call the stopTracking
method on OpenLocate
. Get the instance by calling getInstance
The following fields are collected by the SDK to be sent to a private or public API:
- Latitude of the devicelongitude
- Longitude of the deviceutc_timestamp
- Timestamp of the recorded location in epochhorizontal_accuracy
- The accuracy of the location being recordedid_type
- 'aaid' for identifying android advertising typead_id
- Advertising identifierad_opt_out
- Flag that indicates whether user has enabled "limit ad tracking" (1: enabled; 0: not enabled)course
- Bearing in degrees.speed
- Speed in meters/second over ground.altitude
- Altitude in meters above the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid.
- Indicates whether phone is charging or notdevice_manufacturer
- Manufacturer of devicedevice_model
- Model of deviseos
- Operating system installed on Device.location_method
- Method of location collected i.e "gps", "network", "passive"location_context
- Indicates whether the location was collected when the application was foregrounded or backgrounded on the device.carrier_name
- Name of the mobile network carrierconnection_type
- Collects devices's network connection typewifi_ssid
- Collects wifi_ssidwifi_bssid
- Collects wifi_bssid
Optional field collection can be disabled while building the configuration object before passing it to the initialize
OpenLocate.Configuration configuration = new OpenLocate.Configuration.Builder(context, BuildConfig.URL)
To use user's current location, obtain the location by calling getCurrentLocation
method on OpenLocate. Get the instance by calling getInstance
. Use the fields collected by SDK to send to 3rd party APIs.
OpenLocate openLocate = OpenLocate.getInstance();
openLocate.getCurrentLocation(new OpenLocateLocationCallback() {
public void onLocationFetch(OpenLocateLocation location) {
//Use location object to obtain fields and pass it to 3rd Party API
public void onError(Error error) {
Google Places API: https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/search
private Map<String, String> getQueryMapGoogle(OpenLocateLocation location ) {
Map<String, String> queryMap = new HashMap<>();
queryMap.put("location", String.valueOf(location.getLocation().getLatitude()) + "," + String.valueOf(location.getLocation().getLongitude()) );
queryMap.put("radius", "500");
queryMap.put("type", "restaurant");
queryMap.put("keyword", "south");
queryMap.put("key", -YOUR GOOGLE PLACES API KEY-);
return queryMap;
public void fetchGooglePlaces(OpenLocateLocation openLocateLocation, final GooglePlaceCallback callback) {
GooglePlaceClient client = GooglePlaceClientGenerator.createClient(GooglePlaceClient.class);
Call<GooglePlaceBody> call= client.getNearByPlaces(getQueryMapGoogle(openLocateLocation));
call.enqueue(new Callback<GooglePlaceBody>() {
public void onResponse(Call<GooglePlaceBody> call, Response<GooglePlaceBody> response) {
if(response.isSuccessful()) {
//TODO Do something with place.
public void onFailure(Call<GooglePlaceBody> call, Throwable t) {
Similarly, OpenLocate can be used to query additional APIs such as Facebook Places Graph or any other 3rd party places API.
- Facebook Places API - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/places/
ClientGenerator is created using Retrofit and its implementation code can found in example code.
Connecting user's location data to Wolfram Cloud for analytics using Wolfram Data Drop
Data Drop is a service from Wolfram Research that makes it easy to collect data in a manner that proactively sets it up for computation, visualization, analysis, or other data processing operations. Databins store and add semantics to data while making it instantly accessible from all Wolfram Language and other systems through the Wolfram Cloud.
Once in a Databin, you can use Wolfram Language to create visualizations like the following, which were generated using UFO sighting location data from the Wolfram Data Repository:
Refer to the Data Drop Quick Reference to learn more.
To send user's location data to a databin via the Data Drop Web API:
OpenLocate openLocate = OpenLocate.getInstance();
openLocate.getCurrentLocation(new OpenLocateLocationCallback() {
public void onLocationFetch(OpenLocateLocation location) {
RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(context);
url = "https://datadrop.wolframcloud.com/api/v1.0/Add?bin=<YOUR_BIN_ID>";
StringRequest postRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST, url,
new Response.Listener<String>()
public void onResponse(String response) {
Log.d("Response", response);
new Response.ErrorListener()
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
Log.d("Error.Response", response);
) {
protected Map<String, String> getParams()
// parameters to pass into databin
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("latitude", location.getLocation().getLatitude());
params.put("longitude", location.getLocation().getLongitude());
params.put("altitude", location.getLocation().getAltitude());
return params;
public void onError(Error error) {
Log.d("Error", error);
This is a sample request body sent by the SDK.
"latitude": 37.773972,
"longitude": -122.431297,
"horizontal_accuracy": "23.670000076293945",
"utc_timestamp": 1508369672,
"course": "0.0",
"speed": "0.0",
"altitude": 0,
"ad_id": "f109e57e-a02e-41d3-b7c4-c906d1b92331",
"ad_opt_out": false,
"id_type": "aaid",
"device_manufacturer": "motorola",
"device_model": "Moto G (5S) Plus",
"is_charging": true,
"os_version": "Android 7.1.1",
"carrier_name": "T Mobile",
"wifi_ssid": "\"Jungle\"",
"wifi_bssid": "10:fe:ed:8d:b5:7c",
"connection_type": "wifi",
"location_method": "gps",
"location_context": "bground"
"latitude": 37.773972,
"longitude": -122.431297,
"horizontal_accuracy": "23.670000076293945",
"utc_timestamp": 1508369683,
"course": "0.0",
"speed": "0.0",
"altitude": 0,
"ad_id": "f109e57e-a02e-41d3-b7c4-c906d1b92331",
"ad_opt_out": false,
"id_type": "aaid",
"device_manufacturer": "motorola",
"device_model": "Moto G (5S) Plus",
"is_charging": true,
"os_version": "Android 7.1.1",
"carrier_name": "T Mobile",
"wifi_ssid": "\"Jungle\"",
"wifi_bssid": "10:fe:ed:8d:b5:7c",
"connection_type": "wifi",
"location_method": "gps",
"location_context": "bground"
If you want to have the SDK send data to your own AWS s3 environment for example, look into setting up an Kinesis firehose according to the SDK request above.
OpenLocate requires users to accept the Android's Location Permission in order to work correctly. It is therefore important to understand when and how to prompt for the location permission in order to maximize opt-in rates from users. OpenLocate takes care of prompting the location permission atomically for you when the startTracking()
method is invoked. OpenLocate also takes care of remembering this started state across app launches, so you only need to invoke startTracking()
once. You must decide the optimal time to invoke startTracking()
within your app however. Below are a couple of articles that explain the different approaches that can be taken. Ensure you choose one that fits your app’s needs:
- https://medium.com/product-breakdown/5-ways-to-ask-users-for-ios-permissions-a8e199cc83ad
- https://uxplanet.org/mobile-ux-design-the-right-ways-to-ask-users-for-permissions-6cdd9ab25c27
- If you need help, post a question to the discussion forum, or tag a question with 'OpenLocate' on Stack Overflow.
- If you found a bug, open an issue.
- If you have a feature request, open an issue.
- If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.