Virtual-forage is a virtualisation package for Forage, allowing a host machine to run Forage on a guest OS. This can be useful for testing Forage on another operating system, and also for investigating clustering strategies.
Like all things on GitHub, virtual-forage is best git cloned onto your machine, but could of course also be downloaded and unpacked as a zip. The clone command is;
git clone
VirtualBox is the virtualisation software that allows a 'host' operating system to run a 'guest' operation system. Vagrant is used to install and configure the guest OS.
Set up virtualisation by following these steps:
- Install VirtualBox
- Install Vagrant
vagrant up
- gets your virtual box up and running. May take a long time to download stuff the first time
you run it (Ubuntu is the standard OS). This script will clone, install and startup a forage in your virtual machine.
Your Forage should be available on http://localhost:3000/
vagrant destroy
Niels Henrik Hagen @nhhagen - concept and prototype