Code for analysing query. Add additional field to triviaQA json file to provide query analysis information.
This program needs TriviaQA
It updates train, text triviaQA data with additional information.
[Additional field]
- AnswerNERp: predicted NER type of answer for query
- WHtype: WH words in query
- QueryType: type of query [None; Counting; Quotes]
- None: general method to make CG
- Counting: How many question
- Change 'how many' to what and counting the number of answers in list
- Generate CG which has cardinal value as wildcard
- Quotes: query which has explicit quotes
- AnswerType_d: detailed version of answertype
- AnswerType_ds: simple version of answertype
- Reformedq: reformulated question
- WHword is changed as 'wildcard'
- 'Quotes' query type has list of reformulated question
- WH word is chaged to 'wildcard'
- explicit quotes are changed to special token 'QUOTES'
- list of the original forms of quotes which is replaced as 'QUOTES'
- tqdm
Measuring similarity between answer type of given answer type and answer candidates. Fine Grained Entity Typing model is used for get a type of answer (
python release_model -lstm_type single -enhanced_mention -data_setup joint -add_crowd -multitask -mode test -reload_model_name release_model -eval_data crowd/test3.json -load