Solves for ground state of a spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain - A toy DMRG realization by Python
The code is developed under Block DMRG formalism (not Matrix Product States). The input are as annotated in the, i.e. the interaction matrix, number of sites in the chain, and size of the Hilbert space to keep. Finite size DMRG For warming up the finite size algorithm, containing two functions: infinite size DMRG and Sweep. A class representing wavefunction and solving for density matrix, formalized as a bipartite universe. A class representing block or sub-block in the system, with attributes needed for both infinite and finite size DMRG A class for the storage of temporary results in different steps, useful in both infinite and finite size DMRG. subject to update Defines tensor product and truncation function. Also used for exporting logfile and showing chain geometry
logfile.log: the output file, printing geometry, Hilbert space size ... etc, for every step in the algorithm