This repository provides a command line utility to transform XML traces generates by nuXmv into more readable HTML tables.
You can generate such XML traces for counter examples by running nuXmv in interactive mode and using the show_traces -p 4
Furthermore, it supports mapping such traces to LaTeX tables in a specific format. To use this feature, your trace must be in accordance with the model of my master thesis. I use this for my master thesis. If you read this, you will probably never want to use this feature.
Clone the repository and make a standalone executable ready with lein uberjar
$ java -jar smvtrcviz-0.1.0-standalone.jar [args]
-i, --input FILE
- Set the input file; if no file is provided stdin is read
$ cat trace.xml | java -jar smvtrcviz-0.1.0-standalone.jar > trace.html