This app is discontinued and removed from all distribution channels.
This is the API to build connectors for websms. Please see one of the open source connectors to get an idea how to use the API. A very good example fot the use of BasicConnector with a very straight forward API is cherry-sms. Check out the o2 connector to get an idea of a connector implementing the base class Connector and parsing a full website.
There are two ways to build a connector with this websms-api.
Add the websms-api maven repository to your build.gradle and simply reference the remote dependency. There is no need to check out/ clone the api manually.
repositories {
maven {
url ''
dependencies {
compile ''
You can see it in full details in the cherry-sms connector's code base. In maven just in add the dependency like this.
Please clone this git repo and check out the tag build-env-eclipse
You'll need to import this eclipse project and reference it as library project in your connector.