Vim plugin for gh-preview — Github markdown preview, as you type.
Install gh-preview:
$ npm install -g gh-preview@1.0.0-next
Once installed, vim-gh-preview
should just work.
Below are the overridable defaults for the options exposed by this plugin:
" Should the server start automatically when editing markdown files?
" If something is already listening at `g:ghp_port`, it is assumed to be an
" existing gh-preview server and a new server is *NOT* started.
let g:ghp_start_server = 1
" Should the browser page be opened automatically?
let g:ghp_open_browser = 1
" The port `gh-preview` (is running | will be started) at
let g:ghp_port = 1234
Plug 'felixSchl/vim-gh-preview'
Plugin 'felixSchl/vim-gh-preview'